Full Version: Apply for converting forum points to VIP pts

lbjedward 2-28-2010 23:34

Apply for converting forum points to VIP pts

  1. This thread is dedicated for applying for converting points earned from the forum to VIP points, please don't make any irrelative posts.
2.  Please be sure to enclose how many points(10 points at least) which you are willing to convert. If you did not type a certain points quantity which you want to convert, Admins would convert your all points into VIP points.
3. Admins will directly convert points for all applicants in two days, i.e. deduct your points and charge relevant points into the account you are applying for conversion directly.

minnieholly 3-2-2010 22:12

27 points please.

[color=Blue]7 points converted![/color]

minnieholly 3-3-2010 09:14

Please let me know when all points have been conveted thanks.

studiojek 3-4-2010 13:29

Please convert 30 points thanks!

[color=Blue]Replied by lbjedward:

minnieholly 3-5-2010 13:15

I havd 56 points now. so can soemone convert them.
[color=Blue]Replied by lbjedward:

casper27 3-5-2010 13:28

Please convert all my points. Many thanks to all at Friendvista for the fun times, even you Bala :D

[color=Blue]Replied by lbjedward:

minnieholly 3-6-2010 09:21

Points: 65

Convert 45 points? or 65

booley 3-12-2010 16:40

please convert 104 points

Replied by lbjedward:
84pts coverted!

[[i] Last edited by booley at 3-14-2010 18:17 [/i]]

carlorica 3-13-2010 13:05

Can you please convert [b]200 pts[/b] Thanks

Replied by lbjedward:

sweetkathryn74 3-14-2010 02:47

Please convert 14 pts, Thanks.

Replied by lbjedward:

penny3760 3-14-2010 10:50

Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

[size=4]Hi There!   Can you please convert[b] 100[/b] points.[/size]  :)

Replied by lbjedward:

rickman 4-2-2010 17:40


100 points for me please...


Replied by lbjedward:

dominique13 4-3-2010 06:41

Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

Please convert 50 points. Thanks

Replied by lbjedward:

penny3760 4-5-2010 08:39

Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

[size=4]Hi !  Please convert [b]100[/b] points.  Thanks!!  :)[/size]

Replied by lbjedward:

rickman 4-7-2010 06:43

thank you lbj!!!

TomiXxX 4-11-2010 13:16

13 points PLX !!


Replied by lbjedward:
You should exchange your treasure first.

ok , sry then:)

[[i] Last edited by TomiXxX at 4-13-2010 16:54 [/i]]

munch 4-17-2010 16:01

Please convert 50 pts.

Thanks and have a great day.

Replied by lbjedward:

Psych17 4-20-2010 09:52

60 points. Thank You

Replied by lbjedward:

penny3760 4-20-2010 18:44

Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

[size=4]P[/size][size=4]lease convert [b]100[/b] points.  Thanks  :)[/size]

Replied by lbjedward:

highlandergirl 4-23-2010 11:08

Please convert all points.  Thank you!

bala 4-23-2010 11:12

Reply 25#25 highlandergirl's post

[quote]Originally posted by [i]lbjedward[/i] at 3-1-2010 07:34  [url=http://www.friendvista.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=139692&ptid=11496][img]http://www.friendvista.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
The only rule is that your account must have 20 forum points left. [/quote]

you need minimum 30 points before you can convert

Teachergirl 5-2-2010 01:04

50 points for me please, thank you! :)

Replied by lbjedward:

Puppet125 5-3-2010 09:32

Convert all that I can. Please and thanks.

Replied by:
Please note that 30pts at least for converting pts.

Uh, then convert 30 I guess? Sorry, I haven't been on here in a long time, I kind of forgot how to do this.

[[i] Last edited by Puppet125 at 5-4-2010 09:23 [/i]]

rickman 5-5-2010 05:14

please convert 100 points for me... thank you!

Replied by lbjedward:

penny3760 5-8-2010 18:46

Reply 1#1 lbjedward's post

[size=4]Hi!!  Please convert [b]183 points[/b].  Thanks !  :)[/size]

Replied by lbjedward:

munch 5-14-2010 16:21

Please convert 100 points


Replied by lbjedward:

goaliesbear 5-15-2010 18:08

All my points please...Thanks! :)

Replied by lbjedward:

sweetkathryn74 6-3-2010 06:09

please convert 26 pts.

Thanks :)

Replied by lbjedward:

sddvasquez 6-13-2010 16:24

great way to convert points now.

can you please convert 300 points for us.

many thanks:)

Replied by lbjedward:

dominique13 6-22-2010 15:07

Please convert 40 points. Thanks

Replied by lbjedward:

Puppet125 7-1-2010 09:14

Convert 30, please?
I haven't been here in a while, I kind of forgot how the converting works.

codebreaker 7-1-2010 09:20

Reply 37#37 Puppet125's post

Looking at your profile you have only 4 points and i think you need a minimum of ten points but you could convert some of you treasures but you need to leave a minimum of 20 treasures

spratt89 7-1-2010 10:40

Reply 37#37 Puppet125's post

Go to members CP, click on Credits Transaction on the Left of page, and then convert 110 treasure which would give you 49 points.

Puppet125 7-1-2010 16:19

Okay I have 51 points now. Can i convert that??
Welcome back. Done!

fmkenney 7-7-2010 18:55

1st time convert

please convert all my points

23pts converted!

rickman 7-12-2010 14:03

please convert my 200 points.

thank you:)

Replied by lbjedward: Done!

dannixx 7-16-2010 19:45

all i can get, please. :)

[[i] Last edited by dannixx at 7-16-2010 19:47 [/i]]

Replied by lbjedward:done!

slade01 7-20-2010 02:02

please convert 100 points

Replied by lbjedward: Done!

stormraven 8-6-2010 23:55

[size=4][color=DeepSkyBlue]10 please, and thanks for all the hard work our great mods do![/color]


Replied by lbjedward: Done!

penny3760 8-8-2010 06:45

[size=4]Please convert [color=Red]100[/color] of my points. [/size] :)

Replied by lbjedward: Done!
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Full Version: Apply for converting forum points to VIP pts