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Too many clicks?

Too many clicks?

Hi. The episodes are telling me that I've reached the maximum amount of click to plays today, and if I wanted to keep watching, I'd have to upgrade. I have the unlimited views. I've talked to a CSR once today, and they had me email service, but I'm receiving no response. I tried to get an additional CSR, but I keep getting no. 4 and he's unresponsive.

I'm hoping there's something else I can try?


Reply 1#1 beetlebmarks's post

Sometimes you have to wait a while for Live CS, as they can get very busy.  Also, try closing the box & trying again, as sometimes your connection will be lost.  

As for the clicks, there is a maximum of 99 clicks in a 24 hour period to protect the site from hackers & other kinds of attacks.  I'm not sure what the max # of clicks is for unlimited viewing, but I would assume it's the same.  Try Live CS again.  If it seems to take too long, retype your question.  I've had to do that in the past, and have had to wait, but did get through & received an answer.

Hope that helps.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks! I'll keep at them.


I'm less and less happy with the CSRs I finally got someone. And got a snide short response, and then he disappeared without answering any of my questions.

Sigh. Paying for unlimited viewing, but unable to watch anything, and unable to get help. Super frustrating.

To hit 500 clicks as the guy claims is the limit, I would have to start a new episode ever 2.83 minutes. Now, I've been watching the episodes of numbers and friends in full. So I know that wasn't happening. Does right-clicking and hitting "watch in real player" count as a "click" ?


reply 4#4 bettlebmarks' post

hi, try to read this thread... you have the same problems I guess... and hope the explanation there will help you make clear... goodluck! ... mp;page=1#pid117098


Reply 4#4 beetlebmarks's post

Hi there, sorry to hear the live CS team were not any help. Please send a PM directly to lbjedward here => PM ibjedward and explain the problem to him.

It will reset at 23:59 tonight, but I'm sure you want it resolved before then!

I'm not sure why or how this happens because 500 is a lot of clicks!


Thanks all!

It cleared up on it's own, was just a waiting game.  I hope it doesn't come up again.. but if it does, I'll be back!

The forum people are so much more helpful ^^ You guys rock!


you rock too coz you're one in this forum   they (the mods) and we including you as members keep this forum alive!!! so keep on participating .....keep on coming back... goodluck and enjoy!

[ Last edited by rickman at 6-15-2009 20:28

[ Last edited by rickman at 6-16-2009 07:22 ]
Recent Ratings
  • shinny Points +5 For being helpful to a fellow member 6-15-2009 05:41


Reply 7#7 beetlebmarks's post

Glad to hear it resolved itself!! As Rickman said, be sure to hang around the boards and also let us know if it happens again.



So I went today to change my password. And for the life of me I can't figure out how. I tried changing the friendvista password, and when I loggedout/loggedin to viptv I with the new password, it didn't work.

>.< Sorry I'm being so difficult.


Reply 10#10 beetlebmarks's post

go to members cp at top of this page then select edit profile then select login forum and a new page will be given you to change your password
The Mod Police Are Watching You


Reply 10#10 beetlebmarks's post

Have you tried to click on user-name and then edit profile and then log-in forum


Hi all,
Me again. It seems the "click to plays" error has come back. It happened last month after paying for my next month, and has happened this month after paying as well.

Seems a bug with paying?

Grr. 24 hours till my next episode of Grey's Anatomy.


reply 13#13 beetlemarks' post

hi there! just send a PM to lbjedward about it.... you may copy your viewing history i guess or the message that you get when this problem occurs and send it though PM to lbjedward.... goodluck!


Hi there

I might as well use this thread to try to fix my problem, since I'm having the same issue...
I have paid for unlimited viewing, and everything has been great for the 11 months I've been using VIPTV, but now I suddenly got the following error message when trying to view a show:
You have reached the max click-to-play number in 24hrs: 500, please upgrade your membership to continue watching or try again tomorrow.
The thing is that I have not clicked more than perhaps 20 episodes today, so I have no idea how this error can be happening...

Any idea to how I can fix this ASAP?

