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The Unit Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

The Unit Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I thought the first episode was fantastic but later episodes weren't as good, i can clearly see where they got idea army wives they kind of stole it from this show but i personally like this series more than army wives. anyway back to favourite episode which has got to be episode 8 the torture episode where unit training exercise got out of control but i love the fact the sick guy bob manages to escape and save the team. i liked the fact they focus quite a lot brown character he has had some great stand-alone episode coming up. i loved the last 5 minute season 1 finale when they all got attacked at the end-you knew it was coming but it was nice ending with unit shoot all of them.

i find blond woman really annoying and kind hate her for cheating on her husband but she really does love captain more than her husband

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-5-2015 18:46 ]
Recent Ratings
  • 01torres Points +2 Good topic starter. Great work Bala! 11-27-2007 11:35


I cannot agree with you on that. I thought the later episodes were much better than the first. But definately agree the SERE episode was class. I loved they way that they were so cool and efficient they way they had Mac sing a song to the camera and designated roles for survival.
Really liked the 200th hour episode, which showed Bob trying to redeem himself after clipping Mac during training.
Non permissive environment episode where the lads took different means to escape out of Spain (What did Bob do on that boat anyway?????)
As i have posted before, I would like to see more Mac than Bob but bob is a great character.
Yeah Tiffy annoyed me too but as time went on i began to like her and she does redeem herself from time to time.
Bobs wife annoys me more, always takes the moral high ground.
Recent Ratings
  • 01torres Points +2 Thanks for replying have some points Lui 11-27-2007 11:35


Can you believe it??
I have watched only the first season of The Unit and not able to view rest of the seasons. I really liked the first season


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