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viewing log

viewing log

I am betting I'm putting this in the wrong place and I apologize if I am.

Something weird is happening with the viewing log.
The last show I watch is the only one that shows up on my viewing log.
It shows up hundreds of time or how ever many times there are per page
and on every page.
I hope this is temporary...either way thought I'd tell someone!
Thanks in advance, hope there's a solution
Things Change


That's weird. Mine is functioning fine. Probably just a glitch Personally, I don't like the new format of the viewing logs. You click on an episode once and it seems to log every in 10 minute increments


Reply 1#1 suzannasinister's post

I just checked mine, and it's showing as empty. I haven't watched a show on the site in the past week or so, and haven't needed to check any, so I'm assuming they now are only available for a short time. What I used to do before we had viewing logs is send myself a PM in the forum telling myself which episode number to start on next on any of the shows I watched on the site. It's not as convenient, but it worked well. Think I might have to start doing that again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1#1 suzannasinister's post

every time you press "play" it logs as another viewing. Which means every time you pause playback it will inflate the log when you resume. An ongoing bummer. At least there are no additional points lost.


Thanks for the answers...

Thank you for the responses I haven't hit pause or anything like that, that would make sense for it to register it if I stopped and started but over a hundred times is a bit much I assure you I didn't pause once much less 24 pages worth~grin Still I understand, no one quite knows what happened and I can understand that easy enough. I hope they figure it out and yeah I'm not particularly tickled with the new format but things change Thanks again everyone
Things Change

