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AFR U-Turn

AFR U-Turn

Welcome to the U-turn! Tired of all these know it alls beating you to the finish. Well now is your big chance to get ahead. All you have to do is make another player go to the Big Bang Theory Quiz 214. Just pick a fellow Racer and post I am U-Turning (person in your way) You may choose not to U-Turn but that is loser mentality If you are U-turned you must complete the Big Bang Theory Quiz before you can move on. You must also take part in the discussion thread. By the way I U-Turn Kwargalla!! muhahahaha "Racing to the Finish" Spectator racers can only U-turn each other.
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[ Last edited by gabsimom at 2-3-2009 16:52 ] [ Last edited by gabsimom at 2-3-2009 18:46 ]

