Considering there was nothing to watch today i decided to catch up on this season and there really is a lot to discuss .
I thought this was ok storyline i was expecting this to be horrible but the back story seem to always be same motives it like recycle same situation for every evil character to make them more likeable. First with Regina than with Dark one and than Wicked witch and this season snow queen . Yet people are not bored of this, the reason is because we always want give character the benefit of the doubt.
What even more amusing is the way they somehow connect the evil character to Emma, the snow queen was Emma foster parent?. Seriously i just found that rather amusing. I got to admit when Emma power went out of control that was best moment because we never really see her lose control.
Now if after all that you think what more they could do make this season ridclous , How about the evil character commit suicide ? Yeah that right
I really have mixed feeling on one hand this was very entertaining show but on other i expected something better