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i was wondering...

i was wondering...

where my points are? i still have 40 something points in my treasury and i did that point conversion thing on the point conversion thread dated 1st september. and then a day later i got a message from xin that the points have been converted but when i checked, they werent there. i thought maybe it takes a day or two but its still not there and i still have 40 something points in my treasury. what should i do? please help me episodes have started to air so points would do me well =)


i didnt do it myself in the instant thing. i went on the forum and there is a thread which says that you say you want to convert points. you write on the thread that you want your points converted and it has a deadline like the one i wrote on had a deadline for the first of september and i wrote on it on the 29th of august i think. im not really sure how to contact zhang2000...can you tell me how to? im stupid you also super timing! i mean like i only wrote this thread a few hours ago and you guys have already responded...thanks ^_^


thank sending the message right now. you guys rock XD

TOP yewr question, i do mean treasury/G. took me a few minutes to find members CP...haha im stupid :3 ive done the conversion thing and got 9 points for it, now what do i do? oh and i think kwargalla should get some points or something coz they helped me a ton =)
Recent Ratings
  • shinny Points +6 To help get you VIP points :) 9-6-2008 16:45


i thought being intelligent is how much knowledge you i guess that would be another reason im not smart...not knowing what intelligence is...haha =) oh and thanks shinny...i shall become a millionaire at this rate.


alright i know this will sound almost like a teachers pet situation but i dont want this to come back to me in the future where i lose points or something but i got 55 points...i mean i had 0 points and now i have 55 when i had 40 something points...i think maybe the exchange rate fluctuated in wall street =) im a loyal customer...if its not a big deal if i can keep the points then i shall spend them straight away ^_^


yayyyyyyy! thats another awesome reason for being on this site, getting free random points =)


thanks for that...when yew said comment 7...i thought yew meant on here...silly me =) and i still have 37 points in the treasury.

