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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3390#3390 shinny's post

Looks like the weather should be nice for your trip to NYC Shinny.  Spring seems to be settling in (she says, oh so hopefully).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thought I'd share

I know I've mentioned about the allergy testing.  Well, it's all done.  I'm wheat, dairy & egg sensitive...super fun (especially if you like to bake, which I do).  Anyway, last week I went to the bulk store, and while I was getting the regular goodies (organic rice cakes and the like), I found gluten free brownie mix.  I had heard the one at the grocery store wasn't very good, so I was skeptical about trying the bulk store one, but I did.  I made some tonight & they were YUMMY!  Not quite as dense as regular brownies, but every bit as delicious, and I have no ill gastrointestinal effects from eating them.  That makes me happy...which really isn't that hard to do (but I think being delighted by small things is a great quality).

I do have a scratch recipe for gluten free brownies, and when I get around to making those, I'll let y'all know which I prefer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3393#3393 shinny's post

I don't know.  They don't seem to affect the migraines (except for eggs - which I've known for a long time), but they make a huge difference on my guts.  I can eat eggs in things because it dilutes the amount, but if I just eat eggs, especially if I'm already feeling a migraine coming on, it makes it worse, so I avoid them for the most part.  The allergist wants me to see a nutritionist, and I will, if it's covered (or not too expensive).  Otherwise, I'll ask friends who have been dealing with similar issues for longer for some recipe suggestions as well as looking online for good substitutes.  

I already found a bakery that makes gluten free products, which means I can have some bread, but it's fairly pricey, so making things myself will be necessary for a lot of things.  I don't eat a whole lot of bread, so it's worth getting it from the bakery, as I'm not about to start baking bread just for myself.  It's too much work to do it just for myself.  The bakery also makes gluten free pizza dough, and I'm allowed feta cheese, so I can make Greek pizza (which I like).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Bum me out!

I've been home all evening wondering why there's not 1 thing to watch on TV, and I COMPLETELY forgot that I recorded Lost last night.  DUH!  It's a little late to watch it now, but I had something to watch the whole time.  I hate when that happens. LOL
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Something Nice

Since most of posts lately seem to be a little on the downer side, thought I'd share something nice that happened to me today.  

I've not been feeling too spiffy (as you've no doubt noticed), and the groceries are low, so I decided to treat myself - which is a bit more challenging these days with the food restrictions.  I went to my local Lebanese restaurant, and ordered a couple things I knew for sure were wheat-free, but asked for some suggestions.  I put in my order, and brought it home.  When I opened it, they had put in extra food (a yummy salad).   They occasionally throw in something extra at that restaurant (I must look too scrawny, or very poor - lol), but I NEVER expect anything.  It was a nice treat, and I ate it already.    The other items can be reheated, so I'll eat a bit more later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3397#3397 shinny's post

So glad to hear you're starting to feel better, and very nice of Aer Lingus for upgrading your seat.  I know in the past when my Mum had to travel by air after surgery the airline was very good & took good care of her, not only on the plane, but boarding & exiting too.  It's nice to see the caring behind the names of big companies.

We're holding down the fort while you recuperate.  Keep resting & get well soon.  I sure hope this is the last of the health worries for you for a good while.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3400#3400 penny3760's post

HELLO Penny!   So nice to see you here.  You're always a welcome sight - no matter where I see you (game site, movie site, here).

I'm alright...all things considered,  I hope today finds you well.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3407#3407 themegababe's post

Thanks Meg - I did check them out.  Haven't tried any yet, but am sure I will when I feel a bit better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Insert scream here

My landlord is an idiot!  Finally got him to come & check on the leaking kitchen faucet (it's leaking from the pipe underneath) and he did NOTHING.  Told me to ask the neighbour to have a look at it.  I can probably fix it, but that isn't the point.  I can't use my kitchen sink.

My brother is looking to buy a duplex, which would be awesome (because the 2nd unit would be for me).  I don't know how long it will take, but I'm wondering if it's worth trying to do more unpacking.  It probably is, since I need to get rid of more stuff, and it won't happen for months.  He has to find a place 1st, then wait until the legalities are done, and I have to give 60 days notice before moving.  Just frustrated and tired of the ineptitude of my landlord, and also how much money I've spent fixing this place up.  Thankfully, my brother would supply any paint needed for any place he buys.

OK - I'm done now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3411#3411 bala's post

Thanks Bala, it IS a hassle.  I have dishes to do, and can't do them without creating an even bigger mess.  Most landlords aren't as idiotic - though some are...many are just cheap, not stupid.  My brother is a carpenter by trade, and also has done all sorts of building work, so I know if there were any problems he would fix them right away.  

Living at home can be helpful (I know you help your parents out), especially if one acts like an adult and doesn't expect their parents to do everything for them like when they were a kid.  I see young people move back home after uni, and get SO irritated at how lazy they can be, and that their parents allow it.  How is anyone going to learn if everything is done for them?  My Mum taught my brother & I how to cook, clean, pay bills, and all the essentials for being productive, self-sufficient citizens.  Too many parents these days don't bother, and then complain about their kids.  It works both ways.  OK, 2nd rant over. LOL
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3413#3413 bala's post

When I moved to help my Mum last year, we discussed ahead of time which chores we'd do.  Of course, as she became more ill, that didn't matter.  Until then though, we shared the cooking and housework, with me doing anything heavier.  If you know your parents are the type that want things done right away, and you don't have a legitimate reason for putting it off, then it is taking advantage, because you know they will do it...(not just you personally - but anyone in a similar situation).

Certain things my Mum & Gran enjoyed doing when family visited - like cooking.  That's normal - and made them feel good to do something for their family.  But when an adult child LIVES with the parent/s it shouldn't be a given that the parents will do all the household chores.  I've heard some say that it's the parent's responsiblity because they own the house, but if that were so, they (the kids) should pay rent to help defray the cost of their living there.  As I said, it's a two way street.  Parents need to set out what they expect from anyone living in their house, and the "kids" need to realize they aren't children anymore, that it costs money to live and pull their weight in whatever way is most practical for that family.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3416#3416 shinny's post

That's awful!  Poor girl.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3418#3418 shinny's post

That is an odd coincidence, though the summer I got mine out while on vacation, several other freinds of mine had the same thing happen.  One was on holiday in Germany.  As you know, that certainly ruins a vacation.

Your poor sister-in-law though.  Glad to hear she's in good spirits - I bet the pain meds help with that. lol  The recovery time will be a fair bit longer with it having to be so invasive.  Good thing they were so thorough in getting the poison out though.  Mine wasn't too bad - an incision about 10cm on my lower right abdomen.  They glued me shut, so over the years, the scar is barely even visible now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3421#3421 nye87's post

Hello Jannah!   How great about the concert tickets.  I'm glad you had a good time AND had the bonus of getting to see them twice.

Not much has changed here - still living out of boxes, and have been quite unwell, but c'est la vie.

RSP is without a PC, as well as busy with school & life, at the moment, so hopefully we'll see him in the summer.

Hope to see you soon too, but really pleased you're still working and keeping busy.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3430#3430 studiojek's post

I am an excellent labeler.  Unfortunately, the friends that helped me move were not as meticulous as I.  I have WAY too many boxes that say miscellaneous.  Now, my building is up for sale and it seems interest is picking up - so I'm debating if it's even worth finishing the unpacking.  I REALLY don't want to move again.  I'm too unwell to care right now, but I hate living in such chaos.

Can't believe your little one is nearly a year old.  Tempus fugit. eh?  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3435#3435 studiojek's post

They're pretty much daily at this point, and I have a complete JERK as my new neurologist.  The new meds have me feeling like garbage (sorry I'm complaining, but I'm fed up).  My pharmacist said to go get my bloodwork done to check my levels on Friday (which is the soonest anything will show up), and he thinks these meds are either completely not for me or they have me on too high a dose.  I'm so dizzy all the time, so I can't drive.  I'm nauseous - but can't afford anymore weight loss, plus with the food allergies I can't just order something in.  I'm hoping to get a few groceries tomorrow (I'll splurge & get a few gluten free ready meals, though they ARE pricey).  Cheated today and ate a couple soda crackers and feel awful for it.  I'm also down to my last ginger ale (and no fresh ginger on hand either) - though I still have my ginger tea which helps the tummy and somewhat quells the nausea.

If I have to move, I may just burn the place down.  I know I say this every time, but I can't even begin to imagine having the energy needed to move yet again.  I think my brother bought a house - waiting to see if he's going through with it, as they accepted his offer, but it's a single dwelling house - so no "granny flat" for me in this one. lol  Maybe he'll get REALLY generous and buy another place to rent out.  I have some very good friends who he would be happy to rent to, as they don't  smoke, don't party, are clean and would be good tenants.  

Not worrying, just completely fed up with feeling so awful.  Guess this is just a bad day & I needed a whinge.  Sorry for being such a downer.  Upside of the day: Lost & Glee are on tonight - 2nd last epi of Lost though, which makes it bittersweet.  Have the machines set to record both in case the meds knock me out.

OK, I'm outta here for now.  Sorry again for being a sook today. Guess I needed to get it off my chest.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3438#3438 nye87's post

Hey Jannah, nice to see you.    

I had to stop the meds the jerky doc prescribed, but I see him again in July.  I rang his office to see if he'd even want to see me because I went off the meds, and he was good about it.  I'm still doing research of my own into alternative treatments for migraine, and might have to go completely gluten free, even though I'm only wheat sensitive, as there seems to be quite a lot of anecdotal evidence that the two are connected.  It's a bit of a challenge when I'm so sick, because I don't have the energy to cook.  I eat so much rice, I'm beginning to look at it like the "contemptible bread".  

My friend brought me some quinoa, and I have a few other options, but I'm low on groceries, so don't even have any onions or fresh veg in the house to tart anything up.  Am having some mobility issues this week, so going shopping is out.  Today, I'm just wishing for a food replicator. lol  What I'd really like is a giant fresh salad.  Things will improve, and I'll get to do groceries.  Produce aisle - LOOK OUT!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3440#3440 sddvasquez's post

just doing a fly by - but had to say HELLO sddv!

Catch up with ya' when things settle down a bit.  (Yeah, still have NO idea what's happening re: whether I'll have to move again, which is just annoying.)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Anyone feel like coming over & cleaning my apartment before the realtor comes again in the morning?  If I could, I'd do it tonight, but I can still barely lift my head.  I've been sick with an evil migraine for days, and barely was able to get out of bed today.  I've set my clock for the morning, and hopefully this will be the last time.  Apparently, it's a re-showing, and I'm hopeful this person buys because if they do, they want to keep the tenants.

Send good thoughts this way in the morning - and let's hope this is it.  I'll feel much more motivated to finish unpacking, if I know I won't have to pack it all up again soon.

Thanks for the good luck on the diet Meg.  It's gluten free, not so much raw - though I do enjoy my raw veg.   Learning new recipes is kind of fun (as fun as can be when you don;t feel well), but it will be even better when my pantry has been completely detoxed from the stuff I can't have,
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3444#3444 sddvasquez's post

I hope so.  I got the place tidied (all by my lonesome - with the help of copious amounts of caffeine), and so far so good.  The woman seems interested.  She's quite pleasant, and I wouldn't mind having her as a landlady.  It's just a matter of wait & see now.

I don't envy you having to cart boxes on the metro.  I had downsized my library quite a bit before I moved the last 2 times, but I keep buying more books.  It's a sickness, I tell you. lol  If I was near, I could at least offer to drive some loads for you.  My car might be small, but I can cram a WHOLE lot of stuff in it when I need to.  It's quite a sight.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow.  Some how it got damaged - only on one side, and I've had to wait for it to grow out so I could get it cut properly.  I HAVE been trying to grow it out a bit, since I normally wear it really short.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.  I might have to chop it all off and start again.  Neither my hairdresser nor I can figure out what caused the damage, since I woke up with it one day.  Parts of my hair feel like a brillo pad, and I've been wearing a LOT of bandannas.  Very odd for a gal with straight hair.  Curiouser and curiouser.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

