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Scandal Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


4x22 You Can't Take Command

Nice try and she finally got him but Jake leave her was rather amusing the way he did it was fantastic it was like job over goodbye. That has best break up i ever seen but Filz finding out what Millie did was enough throw her out. Will Olivia be the first lady ?




5x01 Heavy Is the Head

i can't believe this series has been on for 5 years wow times has flown by so quickly so much for trying keep it a secret it was bound to come out


So I have decided to officially give up.    After this weeks episode I was thoroughly disappointed in the direction the writers took Susan.  I needed her to continue to be a good person in Washington.   Also, REALLY Liv with the Kid and the kids father and how you have NOOOOO regard for anyone else.  No, no really it's fine.  Just destroy people for no reason other than POLITICS.  

I'm just so disgusted and not in an entertained kinda way.  In the....I'm done.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 206#206 arksongbird80's post

politics corrupts absolutely no matter whether your a good person or not .


6x08 -A-Traitor-Among-Us.

Poor Huck that guy can never find love every women betrays him and i really feel sorry for him Becky was right about him being gullible and he was right i just wish he followed through however she was convincing   .

