I think the Rusty storyline is getting old i understand that the writer are trying portray Sharon character as likeable but i actually thought once they found his biological father that would put end of his storyline but now it look like he going permanent character which really annoys me because i tolerated him for past few episodes thinking he was going to leave.
We are past half way mark in this series and consider this spin-off the closer i have to say i am rather disappointed with the series. I am trying not to compare Brenda with Sharon but the fun bit of the closer were this two always arguing with each other and while Sharon has done a reasonable job as leader Brenda was the master.
I don't know whether this series will get renewed but from what i seen i wouldn't be too disappointed if this doesn't make the cut.
Ok rant over back to this episode it was good case but seriously he was crazy trying to take on all those cops