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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Wow!!   That last episode was so great!!  I had tears in my eyes by the time the show was over with.  I hope that both Izzy and George make it. I think George is such a sweet heart.  I would hate to see him leave the show.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Wow, what a season finale! I personally think that Izzie will make it back but not George, but of course we have to wait a few months to see -- what a cliffhanger!

Two great episodes - very emotional too!


Reply 278#278 themegababe's post

No, that John Doe thing I did not see coming- (ok, I knew from spoilers!) it was the army enlisting thing I saw coming.


Reply 282#282 studiojek's post

I too had the feeling that while it looks very final for George, it may not be for Izzie. She was still on the elevator, he stood there as if he was waiting for her. Looking at the actors, I think TR Knight really wanted to leave while Heigl may not be so sure yet.
I personally could live with both of them gone. George did not have much of a storyline this season and if there is one thing I hated, really hated in the past season it was the Izzie sees dead people thing with Denny. So yeah, I could do without. The only reason why I'd like her to live is for ALex's sake. But beyond that? Nope. He really did learn a lot but did you all notice Yang? She HUGGED Meredith! Wohoo. ;-)
In a way they all grew up a bit- which is good.


Oh and I meant to ask- it cannot be a legal marrage if you write stuff on a post it and sign, right? So they're not legally wed yet, are they?


Reply 285#285 Teachergirl's post

No, definitely not legal. Just "legal" between the two of them, which - like you said - really shows how much Mer has grown up!


I thought so. In larger hospitals here they have a priest- if the same existed in the US they could have gotten married in the OR! LOL Actually, Mer Der are not the usual wedding type couple- so when Izzie planned it all I felt bad because it was just not hte right event for MerDer.


Oh yeah I saw the army thing coming (spoilers)

and no, their marriage isn't legal yet.

And I think Izzie will be back, but George will be gone. So sad, so tragic!


It was sad they actually felt they had to kill George when it would have been better to just have him join the army but that's GA....


Wow. Killing off George...that was unexpected! Honestly, as much as I love T.R. Knight, George barely had a storyline this season, so his departure wouldn't have that big of an impact than say, Meredith's departure. But's George!

Crazy rumors are flying around the web about George's situation. Someone said something about how George will be back next season, but T.R. Knight won't. If George survives, Mark can give him a new face, and so the producers can hire another actor to play George. Crazy, right?

Meredith and Derek's "marriage"...I knew Shonda Rhimes wasn't going to cave and give them their wedding this season. This is Meredith and Derek that we're talking about! That was a really good scene though.


Oh dear- George with a new face would be worse than Izzie making love to a ghost... But didn't they say his arm was crushed too? Lookng what the injured shoulder did to Burke- would any surgeon be able to work again after having his arm crushed under a bus? Unless he turns into Bionic George I think his surgeon days are over.


Reply 291#291 Teachergirl's post

yep his surgeon days are in fact over which a shame


He was getting to be such a good trauma surgeon too!  So sad.

That would be so weird if they gave him a new face / actor.  Totally wouldn't fly.


Reply 293#293 themegababe's post

Well it depends on whether it would be an improvement or not


Reply 293#293 themegababe's post

Agh, I agree, wouldn't fly AT ALL!

I did hear that things don't look great with Katherine Heigl either, who is asking for way more money than the producers are willing to give. We may just lose them both.


I loved the seasons epi but I still hope that they keep izzie, it was just getting interesting between her and Alex
About George, he has had his best time. I liked him better when he had failed his exam
And I think he and little Grey fit better then what they did know.


I think Izzie is going to stay!


I think they had to have the izzie cliffhanger because it was nto sure whether heigl was going to stay or not. From what I read online it does not look that good. Personally, I'd be ok with that. It's not the kind of show where you have one big central figure, I mean, not even Meredith is that much of a star.


Wait... you don't think it's gonna be good for Iz?  I think she'll be okay.  Maybe it is just wishful thinking!


I disagree Izzie and Alex will be a big mistake. They should not be together especially when Alex is still a selfish ogre and Izzie is a self absorb princess.

