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Warehouse 13 Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Second Chance

Wow i forgot to comment on this episode but what a trick artifact to neutralise when it was inside the person body but as always they figured out a way .


4x07 Endless Wonder

I had a felling that Pete would end up in bed with Deb right from her being in the waiting room but her using him was amusing and making a regent should be interesting


4x08 Second Chance

Steven taking Claudia  to his home to find a way to break the metronome's hold on him was interesting but meeting his mother and her explaining why they don't talk was great and Pete should of known better than to interrogate in the boxing ring but trust Cody to over hear them talking about him, the purple heart comment was amusing


The Ones You Love

Well he did create an evil in his own making but it wasn't what he thought it would be i can't believe how obvious it was because it right front of us we didn't see it   .


We All Fall Down

What a season finale release a plague onto the whole world that worse than last year finale with warehouse being destroyed so they actually top it   . I haven't really been excited for this season the episode haven't wowed me in fact this season has been rather average no fantastic artefact and storyline has been boring bring Jinx back all he seems to do is mope around this season. What was the point of bring him back if he really wasn't needed for this season ?.


4x09 The Ones You Love

Joshua being frozen in amber should of been in Fringe, Tracy's green eyes and the static shock was interesting, Brother Adrian being in Artie imagination I didn't see coming


4x10 We All Fall Down

After all that time Artie vision of being stabbed by Claudia now makes sense but having to wait till April next year is disappointing


4x11 The Living and the Dead

The drunk professor's office being in such a mess they couldn't see him was amusing and I cant believe he feel asleep mid sentence but being sick was disgusting but sacrificing himself to save Myka was nice


Reply 26#26 codebreaker's post

Well talk about nice guest star James Master is rather famous in sci-fi tv series so it was great to see him but i am disappointed they killed him off but is he dead because when other women came to crip the body was gone?


4x12 Parks and Rehabilitation

Pete was lucky Claudia came out when she did as he was buried alive but that lantern had some impressive powers


Reply 28#28 codebreaker's post

Well she could of missed him if she didn't look around


4x13 The Big Snag

Pete and Myka in a fictional 1940s world was amusing especially when Pete pointed out he was black and white when it was only film's that was black and white, Artie to go along with Claudia and Steven to investigate reports of stolen cars was great but Artie playing chicken with a car was risky


4x14 The Sky's the Limit

Showing Monty the warehouse after Rose tricked him was nice but Myka bagging the artefact before Pete was back on the ground was amusing


4x15 Instinct

Abigail figuring out the warehouse was trying to get Claudia's attention and not hurt her was impressive but getting covered in slime after saving the place was amusing and nice to see H.G. trying to live a normal life


Reply 32#32 codebreaker's post

She should of known better but that was a very dangerous artefact


Reply 33#33 bala's post

Are you just watching the last update as you haven't commented since episode 12


Reply 34#34 codebreaker's post

I am watching all the episode it just sometimes i forget to comment because i really don't have much to say .



That was crazy artifact that cause volcanic ash i like that there actually made artefacts more ridiculous and mind blowing even through it was rather awful CGI.


4x16 Runaway

Artie trying to hide the so called surprise party for Claudia behind glass doors was amusing and talk about a couple of close calls with Artie's hearing and the the kids father almost getting cooked


What Matters Most

Well that artifact being salt was certainly difficult to find and Artie case looking for stockbroker who using an artefact that use homeless kid brain was interesting concept but him turning out to be a mole should be very interesting.

