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Fringe Season 2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

They will probably tell Peter in the penultimate episode and then have the consequence in the finally, possibly another journey to the parallel universe.


Reply 61#61 slade01's post

It's like there stretch out out the story-line i just wish they got it over and done with


Reply 62#62 bala's post

It looks like Walter has come to the decision not to tell Peter but will Olivia tell him or will it slip out by accident


Reply 63#63 codebreaker's post

It will be interesting how Peter finds out


The Man from the Other Side

I am happy he finds out and what a way to find out . Look like he done a runner but who man on the bridge?.


Reply 65#65 bala's post

I think the Man on the bridge is the other Walter.
Lucky Spencer = Hotness


Reply 66#66 Sweetp's post

That's a good theory


Reply 66#66 Sweetp's post

That is a great theory but the way Peter figured it out after the FBI agent turned to dust was not the best way and when he realises that Olivia also knows will put a strain on their friendship


Reply 68#68 codebreaker's post

It would be too obvious ?


Reply 66#66 Sweetp's post

I would have to agree also. And I think he wants his son back. That is the only reason for him to come.


2x20 Brown Betty

Strange episode when Walter tells Ella a fairy tale of a gentle inventor, a stolen glass heart most of the episode is in fairy tale but the corpses singing Candy Man was amusing


Reply 71#71 codebreaker's post

That why i gave this episode a miss


Northwest Passage

This was a great episode and it great Peter trying solve a case solo without the FBI and look like everyone was right it was Peter father from other side


Reply 73#73 bala's post

i think that was the only logical way the story line could go. but then again when did logic ever factor into this show it kind of insane lol.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


Reply 74#74 angel-87's post

Now question is whether he sane or like Walter?


Reply 75#75 bala's post

I have a feeling this guy is very Sane but I don't think he's a good human being.
Lucky Spencer = Hotness


well of course he's not he had his son stolen from him and has obviously done EVERYTHING possible to get him back.
hard work never killed anyone... but why take the risk.


It was nice to see Peter working a case solo and he had a great connection with the Sheriff but i cant wait to see what Peter does about the other Walter


I haven't read people's comments above so I was completey surprised by the Other Walter, what an ending, can't wait for the next episode.


Over There, Part 1

This episode felt like i was watching a sci-fi movie i mean i really enjoyed the other side-i mean she seen what Walter has done now peter going destroy everything .

