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Parks & Recreation Season 1-7 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Parks & Recreation Season 1-7 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Discuss Anything About Parks & Recreation Season 1-7 Here

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-3-2015 21:34 ]


Sorry for the super-late reply.

I don't get your question. Are you asking if this is a scripted show or a documentary? Because it's scripted. I mean it should be obvious, you have actors like Amy Poehler and also it isn't a "natural" documentary feel.

Anyways, after a weak 6-episode first season, P&R had one of the greatest turnarounds for a show I have ever seen. At some weeks during this year it was even better than The Office.


Reply 2#2 Puppet125's post

Ok thanks i didn't really like the first episode so i kind of gave up on it


No, at the very least try season 2's "The Stakeout" and "Sweetums" and if you don't like those then I can let you pass on it without throwing a fit.


2x22 Telethon

Leslie advising Mark on how to propose to Ann considering when she found out that Ann wanted to end it was funny but what ever happened to getting the park in the pit from the first season


2x23 The Master Plan

April has plans for Andy at her birthday party but gets jealous because of Ann and Ann tries to piece together a romantic mystery which turns out to be with Rob Lowe


2x24 Freddy Spaghetti

Andy slipped up by telling April after their kiss that he just kissed Ann


Parks and Recreation Season 3 Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 3 Premiered January 20, 2011

Discuss Anything About Season 3 Here

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-11-2011 22:59 ]


3x01 Go Big or Go Home

Not the best opening episode but when April returns with surprising news of a new boyfriend and Andy trying to win her back was amusing but her translation to her boyfriend will make things interesting


3x02 The Flu

April giving Ann a hard time while she was in hospital was over the top but she did get her own back at the end of her shift which was funny and Andy standing in for her at work was ridiculous


3x03 Time Capsule

Who would of thought the contents of the time capsule would cause so much commotion and Chris helping Andy to win back April was nice


3x04 Ron & Tammy Part Two

Ron's ex-wife Tammy was a bit brutal when she attacked Tom in the library


3x05 Media Blitz

The things April made Andy do to win back her heart was cruel but was worth it in the end


3x06 Indianapolis

The way April and Andy discover how to have fun without spending any money was amusing but it was obvious April would win


3x07 Harvest Festival

Being worried about the Wamapoke tribal leaders curse when the little pony disappeared was amusing especially the animated news story


3x08 Camping

Leslie taking the whole department camping in order to brainstorm new ideas only because she has none of her own and you just knew Andy's attempt to be romantic for April would backfire


3x09 Fancy Party

April and Andy hosting a dinner party for all their friends to announce their wedding was strange but while Leslie was trying to stop it Andy was asking all the men to be best man which was amusing


3x10 Soulmates

Ann convincing Leslie to sign up for an online dating service was interesting but a 98% match to Tom was priceless and Chris challenging Ron to a burger cook-off was strange


3x11 Jerry's Painting

Jerry's contribution to Leslie's community art show causes a stir because of the adult content but Leslie loving it was a surprise considering it looked like her but Ben moving in with April and Andy was ridiculous


3x12 Eagleton

Leslie attacking her former best friend over the fence was amusing and Ron trying to stop Leslie from planning a birthday party for him but as usual he got it wrong


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