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Melrose Place Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

In fairness Bala if you asked someone to marry you and they took the whole day to say yes, then you find out that they haven't told any of their friends or family, would you not be extremely suspicious that they don't really want to be with you? They are making Jonah out to be a stupid idiot and this is why I don't like his character. I don't like stupid people


Reply 21#21 shinny's post

yeah your right hence why is she string him along ?

for us we objective but when your in love someone you tend blind


Reply 22#22 bala's post

I agree about love being blind but it isn't deaf and dumb as well

Riley should really finish it with him though if she's having doubts. I agree there.


Reply 23#23 shinny's post

i missed this with members i love debating characters i think jonas is afraid to lose her so he knows something wrong but doesn't face it because he afraid if he push her too much she might break it off. you can't blame him can you he's a sap but adorable sap don't you think


Haha, yeh I know what you mean. See I don't find him lovable at all, but maybe others do. He's the Billy of this Melrose and I never liked the original Billy!!


The guy who plays Auggie is 36 years old in real life. I'd never have thought that. He looks younger.


Melrose Place 1x04

Another good episode this was episode where we learnt a bit more violet and she does have some secret and she ran from the cops not exactly a smart move and it was Riley who bailed her out when everyone else ignore her call. Look sidney sister is cause trouble for the resident and it's really engaging and slightly better than the original.


Reply 27#27 bala's post

Should we add Jane Mancini, Sydney's sister to the suspect list because she inherited the building from Sydney which is motive and she threatens Ella with incriminating e-mails


Reply 28#28 codebreaker's post

She has an alba she wasn't there when she was killed.



Ok Ella really in trouble the cop knows and it look she is scarred and it look there just more secrets coming out as each episode goes by.


Reply 30#30 bala's post

That was a close call when Jonah overheard Ella mentions a similar necklace and then confronted David but nice work by David in returning the necklace and Violet sabotages another employee so she can get the her job


Reply 31#31 codebreaker's post

that what i like about the show it show what people capable of when they motivated


Just watched the last two episodes. It does look like Ella is more and more guilty, but she was left back at the restaurant/bar when all that happened so I don't think it's her.

It could easily be Sidney. She could have hired someone or she could have been there herself for all we know.

Violet obviously is her mother's daughter. She wanted the bar job and needed to get rid of any obstructions!

Lauren is getting in deeper and deeper into that world. You know for sure it's going to come back and bite her !


Melrose Place 1x06 Shoreline

Good episode that was a close call for Lauren after running into David after taking a job on a yacht and if Violet is going after Michael see needs to watch her back


Reply 34#34 codebreaker's post

yes violet was a surprise not really nice girl after all but Riley being model was let say predictable



Wow what another great instalment Lauren finding out how David gets his money and than refuse to take money meaning she forced pimp herself out-what is really worse taking stolen money or pimp yourself out?. it's not like she stealing money only accept it

Jona please don't over-react i mean ending makes it clear he angry i hope he doesn't cheat on Riley. i admit i don't like her but at least give her a chance to explain herself before you make a mistake   

What is violet up to ?


Reply 36#36 bala's post

Lauren and David are as bad as each other with what they do to earn extra money if he only steals from the drug dealer and the like but i doubt that is true and i suppose it was Violet that destroyed the birds nest



Well at least there clear the air Riley and Jona but i hope drag who kill  Sidney. on for much longer because it's getting a bit boring .I can see why orgi and violet are going to leave the show


Reply 38#38 bala's post

I think the chef had it coming the way he spoke to Auggie and with the clip of David hiding the knife that would be to obvious if he killed Sydney



Well Ella really Jona pretending to be her boyfriend and when she pushed it he really backed out-she should enjoyed it instead trying get more out of the situation. David almost getting trouble by hurt his little brother look on his face was great he really cares for him but that kiss with Laren was so unexpected she in bit trouble.

