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Modern Family Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

4x20 Flip Flop

Gloria getting jealous over Javier's new girlfriend because Manny was getting so well with her was amusing but the new girlfriend being  jealous of Gloria was priceless


4x21 Career Day

I cant believe Mitch and Cam made that costly mistake by giving Lily $100 from the tooth fairy but asking for the money back was bizarre


4x22 My Hero

Claire starting to tell Phil about the four biggest mistakes she's made according to her father was interesting as she stopped after the third so I assume the fourth was marrying him and Phil teaching Gloria how to skate was priceless


4x23 Games People Play

That was a beautiful brand new RV Phil was driving but Claire deciding to let him learn the hard way when he thought they could have a fun family road trip was amusing and Mitch and Cam's competitive spirit at Lily's gymnastics meet was over the top


4x24 Goodnight, Gracie

Claire trying to help Phil with Gracie's last wish for Frank was interesting as she had picked out another woman for him after her death


Modern Family Season 5 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 5 Premieres September 25, 2013

Discuss Anything About Season 5 Here


5x01 Suddenly, Last Summer

Phil and Claire trying to organise a kid-free week was interesting as they each had a different trip to go on but Claire wanting a couple of days on her own was amusing


5x02 First Days

Gloria being hit on by one of the boys at Manny's new school was amusing and I cant believe Lily ran into a pillar on her first day of pre-school but Alex's having Cameron as a substitute teacher


5x03 Larry's Wife

Cam holding an elaborate pet funeral for Larry the cat's made-up wife was over the top and Claire having Phil back when he was starting to get in hot water with the recently divorced women he was showing houses too was amusing


5x04 Farm Strong

Gloria's vanity  being the reason she's in denial that she might need reading glasses was understandable but Jay pretending he ate rat poison was amusing as she couldn't read the instructions on the box


5x05 The Late Show

Mitch and Cam putting on the same outfit was amusing but I'm with Mitch as Cam took so long to get dressed it should of been Cam who should of changed but the can spaying him was priceless


5x06 The Help

Frank bringing home a hooker after Phil and Jay took him out to help get his groove back was amusing and Lily making fun of her dads was priceless


5x07 A Fair to Remember

What a shame Alex stopped Luke from getting a kiss of her friend Sienna as he had a crush on her


5x08 ClosetCon ’13

Haley and Alex's getting their hair tangled was amusing especially when the pizza guy came


5x09 The Big Game

Lily getting dating advice from Gloria was amusing and Jay watching Claire climbing out the closet was priceless


5x10 The Old Man & the Tree

Jay and Manny trying to cut down their own Christmas tree was amusing and leaving it to the last minute to go shopping when they didn't get Lily the right gift was a bad idea


5x11 And One to Grow On

Phil landing himself in the slammer thanks to Haley's unpaid parking tickets was a surprise but getting both her parents out of an awkward situation was great


5x12 Under Pressure

Alex wanting to go and see a therapist was bizarre but interesting, Luke and Manny picking up the twins was amusing and the dodge-ball was priceless

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 1-17-2014 21:08 ]


5x13 Three Dinners

Haley managing to turn the tables on Phil and Claire when they take Her out to dinner to discuss her future was crafty and so much for Mitch and Cam deciding to have a nice romantic dinner when they get involved with another couples love life


5x14 iSpy

Poor Jay not knowing why Gloria is furious with him was amusing as she thinks his dream was about another woman and why Haley was trying to keep her photography exhibit a secret from her family was strange but everyone snooping was priceless

