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Heroes Season 4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I did feel sorry for Sylar. I mean, yeah.. he was a killer. But he has expressed an interest in stopping his old ways with help? I think that Matt should have tried harder to help him. He could have been a very good guy.

But, with Peter's vision of the future it's likely that he will wake Sylar up and somehow try and help him supress his powers, as Matt should have.

As for Claire, I don't think I like the fact that she's falling for Gretchen either. I don't know, I guess I'm just not too keen on the idea of her being into girls?

Samuel is now my most hated character on this show. How could he get that man to kill Lydia? I thought he loved Lydia and wanted to protect her. I loved Lydia. Ugh, what a jerk.
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  • waterlilybarb Points +4 Thanks for participating 1-31-2010 10:45
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 Thanks for participating 1-31-2010 10:45


Yeah, but it was Samuel's orders.

