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Pretty Little Liars Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

1x12 Salt Meets Wound

It didn't take long for Noel to start blackmailing the teacher and if Lucas destroyed the memorial what else has he done but A taking the money will drive her mad knowing he or she was in her house


Reply 63#63 codebreaker's post

Yeah I figured Noel would try to blackmail him and than lie to her about it. Hannah mother really should of found a better hiding place putting it in the kitchen in a box. You would think she would some sort of safe at home to put the money in?.


Know Your Frenemies

Well this great episode with some surprises but finding out second half video was great revelation.


Reply 66#66 bala's post

I thought Melissa saying Spencer was good at keeping secrets was amusing and Hanna trying to find out how her mother knows she is lying was great but the rest of the video was great revelation


I think this was a good episode but now I think more than ever that Alison is not dead! I think she faked her own death for some reason or other and actually Ian helped her.


Reply 69#69 shinny's post

That's a very good possibility but i wonder how far she will go protect herself


Reply 70#70 bala's post

Or how far they will drag it out!!


Reply 71#71 shinny's post

That the thing that annoys me about this show they reveal thing slowly but dragging it out can get annoying i just hope we find out everything by end 21 episode than season 2 have different mystery.


1x14 Careful What U Wish 4

That was a close call with the video on the laptop in the kitchen but loosing it at school was unfortunate and Aria's former babysitter Simone setting her sights on Ezra was amusing but i was surprised that (A) cough up the money for Hanna to Dancing with Lucas


Reply 74#74 codebreaker's post

Well a deal is a deal but it was cruel


If At First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again

Well look like Aria was lucky thank that guy disable her mother cars but it was nice to see her re-connect with her Ex. As for the mystery why did that old women lie ?, There no reason for her to lie. This is now becoming rather annoying.


Reply 76#76 bala's post

How does (A) get to know all their secrets but was that an unfortunate coincidence about the woman dying before her appointment at the bank and who is the old lady lying for


Reply 78#78 codebreaker's post

I have no idea i just hope they gives full picture by end first season or i stop watching it.


Reply 79#79 bala's post

The message (A) keeps sending are too personal that knot even all the girls know so (A) or Alison killer is very close to them


Episode 16

Well this episode is missing i can't wait for it to be updated i just hope i don't too long


Reply 75#75 bala's post

Aria's reaction to her parents having an affair with each other was amusing and it didn't take long for Caleb to call in his favor with Hanna and the was a great swim from Emily


Reply 76#76 codebreaker's post

Do you think Caleb will hook up with Hannah?


Reply 77#77 bala's post

I don't know but he does seem to have a heart after all


Reply 78#78 codebreaker's post

i think now he living with her secretly


1x17 The New Normal

Paige's father was a jerk at school but Ezra did a great job of defusing the situation and Paige kissing Emily was a surprise. Aria's dad getting the wrong idea about Ezra and her mom was amusing

