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Eureka Season 4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


Well trust Fargo to accidently get lauched into space

Can a house and machines get married?


Reply 57#57 codebreaker's post

Well Jack decision affected his relationship with his girlfriend?



Well this was classic Eureka episode but this is the problem automatic system updates, this is why disable all update program on my computer until i have time to run it when i am free.


Reply 63#63 arksongbird80's post

Yes that was great Beverly is back you would time-line would be different ?


Reply 70#70 gabsimom's post

he burned down her house i think it will take sometime


Reply 73#73 arksongbird80's post

he's not the same Zain she knew he 's the old one before they were a couple.



I should of figured of Fargo would used those lens analyse the candidate but you just knew something was going wrong but who figured out where explosion happened before it was revealed. I knew it would Zane large processor but the ending was great with Carter finding out Alison couldn't trusted but he has no idea about device in her head. I am surprised SARAH hasn't picked up on that since it was able detect Zane increase in serotonin why hasn't it able scan Alison body pick up the device?.


Reply 77#77 arksongbird80's post

Well done on spot that guest star


Reply 79#79 codebreaker's post

We know why Allison being a 99.08% threat i hope they find out soon about the device in her brain. Those headache are a massive clue. .She's a doctor she realise something wrong


Up In The Air

You just knew bank robbery would have a eureka twist but i loved how they incorporated the Eureka intro into the episode with everything floating in the air . So close Alison was find out than bev get full control and looking at next episode it's going to be great.


Reply 84#84 sanggye's post

That intro been there are some time


Reply 86#86 sanggye's post

Do you think that why they did that?


Reply 88#88 arksongbird80's post

Well i love twist with the bank robbery Carter should better it's Eureka after all


Reply 91#91 codebreaker's post

i loved how he found the bank but having to break into it was very amusing


Omega Girls

Well what a great fantastic episode it was brilliant Zoey saving  Eureka


Reply 95#95 sanggye's post

Well i think she got nothing since joe managed get the drive she stole


Reply 98#98 sanggye's post

Well it's nice to have her as gust stars but it realistic what did expect she suppose go university and i am surprise Eureka doesn't university?.


Of Mites And Men

Well you just know something was going wrong with it but being trapped was really pushing them to the limit and seeing Carter in a suit there's a first time for everything


Reply 104#104 codebreaker's post

You just knew she would get stuck


Clash Of The Titans

The auditor was amusing i really liked him but bad decision force them to break up . Good to see Tiny again shame it was only a brief appearance

