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Reply 280#280 iklemiracle's post

Regarding shows not carried by the site: you are correct - they should be posted in Free Chatting. There has been an error in the code in the Reality section which allows threads to be posted about things that are not shows we carry. I don't think Tina realized this when she posted earlier - (I'm assuming, so don't quote me on that point - you know what they say about those who assume ). On the other matter - I'll stay out of it as it's being handled by others.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Thanks for clarifying Barb,,,and there was I starting to question my logic again.... (that seems to be happening allot here these days) Good to know these late night feeds aren't removing my reasoning capabilities after all.
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Reply 282#282 iklemiracle's post

At least you have an excuse for feeling like your reasoning capabilites are compromised. I just blame everything on the weather. It was Torres who pointed out in Site Management that the code needs adjusted in the Reality (or Realty ) section. My brain is so fuzzy from sinus congestion that I probably wouldn't have noticed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 282#282 iklemiracle's post

I thought they opened up all the forums for appropriate show topics. oops Sorry. But it is still fine where it is.


Reply 284#284 gabsimom's post

You know what,,,,,, if there IS a choice, and its only the strike of a key, I would much rather it go into FREE CHATTING - after all that is the place for it. I also believe that more people skim that forum more there and as a result be a more successful thread. It will become quite the topic as the weeks draw on. And as Barb says, as we don't actually carry the show - who is going to look in Reality So if its ok with everyone could someone move it back? Cheers guys Ps mind you strike the right key this time eh?
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Reply 285#285 iklemiracle's post

Consider it done.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 286#286 waterlilybarb's post

I beat you hahaha


Reply 287#287 gabsimom's post

I just noticed that. No worries, at least it's done now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 288#288 waterlilybarb's post

Fantastic!! Nice one guys.............cheers Barb
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


Where is Zhang2000 when you need him? :)

Hello all again............... Ok here is the deal, I,ve been waiting for the usual guy to post a thread for converting points -(i understand there is usually one a week) Can anyone else convert my points as there is no evidence that this can be done for some time . Please help............had many problems lately...especially with communication with those with the power to act accordingly. Please help?? pretty please ???? pretty please with sugar on top
.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......


I have posted a conversion topic...
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply 291#291 dognxtdoor's post

.......On the inter-net ,  nobody knows your a dog.......



Hello. i have tried to find information on the site regarding Reading Permissions but cannot find it anywhere. I am interested to know what RP's are. Could someone please let me know where I can find information on the subject? Thank you.


Reply 293#293 gdi3's post

Reading permission depends on members status - the higher your member status the higher reading permission you get. All our forums are open except site management which just for admin and moderators. i wouldn't worry reading permission since all topic are zero permission.


Reply 294#294 bala's post

Thanks for the explanation. And keep up the good work, it is appreciated.


Mildred Pierce

Hi, I was wondering.... will Mildred Pierce episodes 4 & 5 also be uploaded to the site at some point? So far it's only 1 - 3. Thanks, Em

