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A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply #38 dognxtdoor's post

low hahaha
The Mod Police Are Watching You


wait... i laso have a question... how do you know how many points you have?.. and also is it ok to not have a vip card but have enough points?


Reply #4 cmmlover14's post

I am not sure I understand your question. A vip Card is what has your points, you can earn points here in the forum, that can be converted to vip points for the vip website. Please re-word your question, I think I am tired because it didn't make much sense to me. You know how many vip points you have when you log into the VIP site, it tells you the total.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


A VIP card is kind of like a pre-paid mobile phone. You put in a certain amount of money and get a certain amount of available minutes (or in this case a certain amount of points). Each VIP show will then deduct points from your balance. When you get to 0 points, you would then have to donate again for a new card with new vip points on it.
Recent Ratings
  • dognxtdoor Points +2 Thank you that about sums it up :P 7-5-2007 17:06
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


why only one?

why do you only announce one new show instead of announcing all 5?


Reply #46 allstar5's post

New shows to be added are announced see here for the upcoming new shows: ... 1177&extra=page%3D1 The show that u see as coming soon on the VIP site is just an attraction show and is usually a popular request show to let people now it is coming to the site. As you can see from the thread I linked above the shows are indeed announced.
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why has the season finali of hidden palms not been uptated



Allstar5- the reason it has not been updated was that they was delay on internet with the episode, we don't know how long the delay would be but i'm sure it will be updated soon. i've already seen the episode via download so i can tell you it's worth the wait.


Reply #1 allstar5's post

Patience my friend! It just aired less than 40 hours ago (ET). It should be up soon.


donating directly from the basic, non embedded paypal site

I want to go donate by going to, rather than linking to Paypal through through the "Donation" tab. How do I handle this? Thanks, Random Guy


Reply #1 randomguy's post

When you click the "Make a Donation" button it will take to you the Paypal you can verify this by the url. The reason for what you see on the VIP Channel is because this site has pre selected donation amounts that are multiples of 10. Paypal it self is not embedded but rather just the option to select an amount is. I assure you selecting a payment amount and then click Make a Donation will take you to the secure Paypal site. Here is a direct link to the 10 dollar donation. Which will be the same as if you click the 10 dollar amount on the VIP site and then click Make a Donation. ... b7d0a115a00bdfb878c
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How do you become a moderator? (this is not a subtle plea btw lol...i just really wanted to know)



First of all it ain't easy, at the present moment you are newbie so it's unlikely you will become mod until you reach normal member status like i did few days ago, you will reach normal member status you need to get 50 credits awarded to you. After you reach normal member status PM the adminstor of this place and ask them whether mod show you are interested in. Best of luck


"Allstar5- the reason it has not been updated was that they was delay on internet with the episode, we don't know how long the delay would be but i'm sure it will be updated soon." Wow Bala where did you get this information? Internet delay?? what is that, when did it happen, and who informed you of it? Please if you don't know what your talking about, don't make it up. As a moderator people trust what your saying. So please inform me what and where you got this information. As I was not made aware of it.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!



hi dan The reason you weren't aware of this is because you are not downloader like me-the episode was suppose to be avaliable on the internet on thursday but it wasn't no explanation was given. i'm not sure when you recieved this episode but i'm guessing if they is delay on internet they will delay on here as well?. am i mistaken?


Reply #1 Myaers's post

You've been only with us for a few days. Get yourself familiarized with our sites first. After that you can start by making helpful posts to others in need. Direct them to the right place to get help. You probably should make a few more posts but mind you not by playing games or participating in contest. You can post any suggestions that haven't been mentioned before on how we can improve our sites or anything that we consider quality, genuine posts. Try not to repeat threads. Try to respond in the corresponding thread instead of starting a new one. And above all, stick to the forum rules. Once we feel that you've achieved all that I'm sure our site admins would check with you too see if you are interested in helping out with our site.


thank you for showing me up


How about this then....instead of you assuming the the future find out your facts...its that simple. Ask, if you don't know, but please don't just assume your the end all of where these shows come from. Fine you download shows good for you. But until you start downloading shows for this site, don't assume you know what the delay is. Frankly LBJedward is the only one that should post a specific answer such as yours.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Bala you should write a book, how to go from banned from every forum i join to moderator in 2 weeks. I mean you sure made it look easy....its amazing you said it wasn't. Most of us had to prove ourselves...but then again you did earn 50 many quizzes was that exactly?
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!

