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Hot in Cleveland Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

4x11 Fast and Furious

All going to the spa retreat wearing the same tops was amusing and Melanie's fasting causing hallucinations was interesting, Joy test her detective skills when she thought the instructor was a strangler was crazy


4x12 What Now, My Love?

Elka's surveillance video made her look like a drug dealer and Melanie wonders where her relationship with Alec was going was interesting


4x13 Its Alive

Elka's illegal activities was amusing as she had a pharmacy in the cellar and the dig at Joy's cleavage was priceless but trying to impersonate a mobster crazy, turning the camera on the audience I don't remember seeing before but proves it's filmed in front of a live audience


4x14 Canoga Falls

Victoria's mother Penny pretending to be crazy just to get Victoria to come home for a visit was amusing as it almost backfired when she was going to put her in a home no thanks to Elka giving Penny advice to dial it up


4x15 The Proposal

Emmet did need to enlists the ladies to help him find a surprising way to propose to Victoria as between them they have been nine marriages but rehearsing in the restaurant was amusing


4x16 Pony Up

Victoria offering to donate a kidney on national TV was interesting as she thought an adult kidney was no good for a ten year old but the fact she was a match was priceless


4x17 No Glove No Love

Melanie and Alec both thinking what it would be like to have a family together was amusing as Alec was thinking the positive side were Melanie was thinking of the negative side but the break up was sad and the powdered breast milk was priceless as she was that old it turned to dust


4x18 The Fixer

Melanie spending the night with Danny because she was drunk was unfortunate as Victoria had hired the shady lawyer to help her jailed fiance


4x19 Look Who's Hot Now

Kirstie Alley being in the audience was a surprise and I didn't realise this was a season 4 bloopers and memorable moments episode


4x20 Cleveland Indians

Joy hosting a traditional Indian dinner party just to impress Cleveland's top paediatrician was interesting but the fake Indian accent was amusing and the aftermath was priceless


4x21 Corpse Bride

You would think Melanie getting her dream engagement ring would be a happy occasion but finding it after finding him dead was a surprise and Victoria testing a new product from the Mrs. Ladypants was bound to have problems with it


4x22 All My Exes

What a start with Victoria falling down the stairs in her wedding dress only to stumble in her new shoes but then get hit with the front door was amusing,  Melanie and Joy waking up the coma patient was unbelievable as he was supposed to of been in one for 25 years


4x23 Love Is All Around

Joy dating a professor was amusing as he only had eye's for Elka but the bowling team getting back together after 50 years was interesting and what a great collection of guest stars


4x24 The Man That Got Away

Elka's excuses for why the metal detector went off was amusing and Victoria's wedding day being changed thanks to the new warden was understandable but who would of thought Joy would come face-to-face with her son's father when he was performing the wedding


Hot In Cleveland Season 5 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 5 Premieres March 26, 2014

Discuss Anything About Season 5 Here

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-22-2014 07:05 ]




Murder House

I'm not surprised Elka though the ghost of the murdered woman had come back when the power went out at the same time she died but Daniel remembering he slept with Joy before her mother was amusing



Reply 5#5 codebreaker's post

Melanie refusing to answer questions until they follow her on twitter was amusing and Darren getting to ask the first question was nice as he's going to the live premier, being hosted by David Alan Basche from (The Exes) was nice and special guest Niecy Nash from (The Soul Man) was surprising

