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Shameless (UK) (Channel 4) General Discussion (Spoilers)

Reply 116#116 bala's post

Trust by bad luck for season 7 final to have the audio out of sync


Reply 121#121 codebreaker's post

you know you can watch the episode on youtube


Season 8 Episode 2

Mickey doing child classes was amusing and Shane first job running the family business didn't go to plan but what a way to teach him a lesson


Season 8 Episode 3

Carl running to the bathroom after seeing Libby in her underwear was funny but it did return her confidence and Mickey throwing a coming out party that they were all late for was funny and if they don't already know they will never know


Season 8 Episode 4

Sita getting upset after she fails her exams was over the top and her lecturer offers her help with conditions of sexual favours attached but thanks to Carl and a camera they got it sorted and about time Libby found out what happened to Frank thanks to Karen


Season 8 Episode 5

How ironic that when Frank plans his escape from the psychiatric hospital that Libby is also planing to break him out but gets trapped inside instead and the not so much prison break tattoo was amusing


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-29-2010 20:50  
Veronica's first night with the foster kid Eric was amusing especially when she found him in the morning but teaching him to defend himself backfired and know everybody knows Steve is a car thief than ...
Yeah that was great but i can't believe the cop made a deal with him . The kid was a bit strange but he warmed up to them in the end but police kidnap him did look a bit strange with no explanation..


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-29-2010 21:37  
I cant believe that Sheila would leave Frank with the twins and what a surprise that Steve has a 7 year old daughter but she doesn't know Steve is her father and what a way to redeem himself with the  ...
Yeah that was surprise carrie ann Fiona thinking she was his other girlfriend and the way it came out was wrong he should told her but it was great proposal you just know wedding won't go down correctly don't you? .

Frank really knows how to be a bad parent trusting a dustbin man with his kids it's good thing the drunk babysitter was smart enough give the baby to the police or god know what would happens to it.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-29-2010 23:01  
That was priceless when the dog nicked Marty's dirty underwear and put it in the washing machine and Tony the cop stealing Steve car and what he found inside was interesting but he has now put Steve's ...
So much for a happy ending but police were stupid he should of came with back up and tell drug squad that Steve an informant and now Fiona had tough decision but i knew one of the kids would end up stay forcing Fiona make a tough decision.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-29-2010 23:59  
Debbie and her adult video distribution was amusing but when they found out who the mysterious guy in the video was it was hilarious and the way the got their revenge on the cop was priceless
It was an accident she made money from it but lip starting a relationship with that women was predictable


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-30-2010 00:57  
Who would of thought Lip and Ian's plan with Mandy would cause so much trouble and i cant believe Ian was going to waste his life by going along with the lie
Well it's good thing Lip man up revealed that he is the father and Fiona trying to get over Steve didn't go down to plan. This series is a lot better than i thought it's going to be and i can't i been missing out for 7 years mind you promo on ch4 didn't do the show justice.


Reply 131#131 bala's post

I thought the same thing and once i started i couldn't stop


Reply 132#132 codebreaker's post

Yes it's shame they don't repeat it any of it on E4 or more 4 channels.


Reply 133#133 bala's post

It's probably because it's on 4OD and i think that is only available other than online is Virgin media


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-30-2010 13:21  
Every one making fun of Fiona for spending the night with Joey was amusing but Ian's face when Debbie pointed out about the blood group was priceless and Ian's father being like Frank made Lip's day
Yes but that social worker was crazy trying to get Fiona in trouble but Frank really step up during the visit actually acted like a father


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-30-2010 14:10  
What a unfortunate time for Fiona to be pregnant but Frank and his insurance claim was interesting and you just knew once he signed them forms he was going to be in trouble
Yes just when you think her life can't any more complicated it does, i don't even know how steve going come back into the show How will he react.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-30-2010 15:22  
Poor Marty being used by Craig's wife to split him and Fiona up and Debbie was brilliant in talking him down from the roof, Craig's father got his cremation but not the way you would think
Yes i am glad debbie manages talk him down that girl really has a big heart but cremation was amusing . One more episode left .


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-30-2010 17:19  
What a way for Steve to find out Fiona is pregnant and i cant believe Carl shot and killed someone by accident but Frank trying to get rid of the dog was diabolical and the dog coming back was a surpr ...
I can't believe this is the last episode where we see Fiona and Steve looking at the episode guides they don't come back which is strange since Fiona cares very much for her family. Anyway this wasn't bad season finale but your right that dog must be amazing survive all of that but i thought it was sweet he bought him bell whisky after all that .


Originally posted by codebreaker at 12-30-2010 18:56  
Liam's problem at school, forcing Debbie to think of an explanation for his behaviour but pretending her brother has cancer backfired in a big way and Kev's teacher was amusing
Yes it backfired in bad way but it forced their parents turn up which is good thing. Those kid need an adult in there life i wonder if mother stay with them because debbie is great liar but she lack maturity to deal with problems. Frank taking PCP saved the day and Liam choose to stay family instead of going with his mum was nice.  Frank speech at end was very selfish thinking his kids will always look after him .


Season 8 Episode 6

Carl is loving his new status as a Maguire employee, especially as he's able to attract Sita's attention but Mickey playing with himself was amusing and i really thought he was going to loose a finger, what a prank to play on his birthday

