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The Good Wife Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

This show has really grown on me.  I watched the first episode and was unsure but after a few episodes I was hooked.


This episode does illustrate the stupidity of American politics.  Just because she didn't stop her employee from exposing a corrupt judge she cannot become a judge herself.


Reply 48#48 bala's post

It was actually 45 years not 25., not quite sure why as it wasn't pre-meditated  I think that was what made her take the deal.

I really liked this episode as you got to see both sides of the justice system.  It does really show how unfair it is.  The only thing is that she will never know that she made the wrong choice.

I like the judge, I wish there were more like him as the courts would be a lot more fun.


Reply 52#52 bala's post

I think I would have taken the deal.

I am currently studying to be a Barrister (UK trial lawyer) and after the mistakes they made, which would not happen in the UK, I think I would have predicted a guilty verdict.


If she had taken the chance and hoped for a 'NOT GUILTY' verdict then if she had been found guilty then she would be only able to appeal if there was new evidence that proved her innocence or there was an error in law which affected her trial.

She would though have to stay in jail until she was found innocent which could take years.

