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New Streaming


I seem have a problem with the new streaming method. I click on the play button, and nothing happens - no loading, nothing.

It initially worked once in firefox and once in safari, but now will not work in either browser. When I try to watch episodes in the pop-out window, the window appears as a black background. Nothing loads. I have tried updating flash and restarting firefox and safari. At the moment, unfortunately the site is completely useless to me. Is there anything else I can do?



Thanks for the tips guys. Really appreciate it. I did try everything on the flash troubleshooting board, and it didn't make any difference. However, I've managed to load two episodes (one after another) in safari. They are amazingly slow - 50 mins to load each 20 min episode, but it's a start! I'll download chrome and try that - thanks again for the help. You guys are great!

