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Switched at Birth Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Paradise Lost

Well look like Bay boyfriend mother doesn't like her and what an episode.


Reply 51#51 codebreaker's post

Why do shows like these try to create a love triangle?


Reply 53#53 codebreaker's post

yeah the good thing we know there more episode to come


The Homecoming

This was good episode but i can't believe how they left the episode. I still wondering what's going to happen and everything is left in the air. I really hope Bay will be able to keep her relationship with him and stopping Daphne from stealing him. I am glad she learning to become more persistent like Bay.


Reply 56#56 codebreaker's post

Well since she really tried learn sign language he needs to meet her half way so i think nice and fair.


Reply 58#58 codebreaker's post

Yeah i do hope Bay wins well Dapne had her chance 7 years.


The Tempest

Well what Daphne did sneaking into his tent was so wrong but she can't be mad at that because she allowed that to happen.


Reply 62#62 codebreaker's post

Well i thought that was going to happen but given she left in morning it would couple of hours to get there so it makes sense that she wouldn't catch them.


The Tempest

Well i have to say Emot mother really doesn't like Bay but what an awful for Emote getting arrested for what ?


Self Portrait with a Bandaged Ear

Well i had forgot Emmert did that vandalism but it took the cops few weeks for find out which was great way to show the  consequence of that crime and him hating being deaf was sad.  Daphne finding out real reason why they wanted her on team was sad and she was close tell her dad about that, speaking of dad confronting the other one why he left gave her some closure.


Reply 67#67 codebreaker's post

Yeah but it happens in some school


Reply 69#69 shinny's post

Yeah but i had feeling that Bay has more experience at not getting caught unlike Emmett who did it one time. Bay probably knew where camera were


Les Soeurs D'estrees

Well it was nice to see for one episode Bay and Daphne actually get on with each other .


Reply 74#74 codebreaker's post

Well his dad was great it nice that we got meet him but we understand why his mother is so strict


Las Dos Fridas

Dapny thinking nothing has changed until she bumps into old friend from her neighbour gave her a reality check and grandma visit didn't go plan since she start making Bay feel bad but you see latin sprite in Bay when she destroyed her painting at school


Reply 78#78 codebreaker's post

I think it was her way teaching her to sign and make sure she understood it.


Reply 81#81 codebreaker's post

Well she seems to be learn it hard way even after Bay warned her she end going back to Bay for advice. Bay finding out her work isn't any good but i thought he was kind saying it was good for a teenager but he's looking for painting by someone who is experience.

I also like Bay and Emotte thinking Bay might break up with him looking at his parents fighting was sad . That guy is rather sweet and i like how Bay dealt with it a sensitive way instead just laughing at him


The Art Of Painting

Well Emotte was getting out of control but Bay had a tough decision to make but it was the right decision.


Write A Lonely Soldier

Well look like he was right about her feeling for TY

I Hate when this happen he doesn't deserve what Bay is going to do to him but at least she did tell TY about her boyfriend


Reply 86#86 codebreaker's post

The argument in subtitles can be quite amusing and fast it's the only show i have to watch carefully so i don't miss anything.

