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Switched at Birth Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

The Scream

Bay make up your bloody mind for heaven sake in previous episode you just wanted to be friends with Tagg and now you are kissing him but forcing him to tell reason why she wasn't invited party was awful she should be glad she wasn't invited.

Dapney boy troubles just get worse, how did she become just as messed up as Bay ?. Seriously she used to be such a nice character and after spending 3 years with Kenish she become a bit emotionally mess.

The dinner part was certainly quite amusing but trust Regina not to keep her mouth shut


Reply 15#15 codebreaker's post

Yes that was really great but the guilt she must been feeling why does Daphne try to solve everyone problem when it just makes matters worse for everyone around her ?.

Bay hand injury look like it end of her art


Dance Me to the End of Love

This was very amusing dance episode with various amusing dance routines with character it really put a smile on my face . It nice they can do light episode with a bit humour


The Past (Forgotten-Swallowed)

Bay finding out TY didn't cheat really messed thing up with her current boyfriend but to get him blackball from Fraternity was bad


Reply 21#21 codebreaker's post

Well i like that cover every possible situation on this show but i sure there some sort safety reason for club .


Love Seduces Innocence, Pleasure Entraps, and Remo

What a way bring Dapny robbery attack back into this season but having treat him was tough but she realise she can which was good because she didn't know whether she could handle treating him . Again i am not really happy about this series as well. I really hate when series that were fresh get a bit boring with drama.

[ Last edited by bala at 3-27-2014 16:00 ]


3x12 Love Among the Ruins

What a fantastic returning episode this show was getting boring but what a way to bring up all drama but is it wrong that i hope Bay is pregnant it wouldn't abc family show without a teen pregnancy but the fact that she signed that to Daphne made me laugh

Emert being cyberbullied was strange but that photo was must really be embarrassing


Like a Snowball Down a Mountain

Well another good episode a lot of shocking developments and issues i can't believe they introduced on this show i guess i should be impressed at scope of issues from morning after pill to homosexual tendencies towards cyberbully .


3x14 Oh, Future!

I have to say turning a house-warming party into wedding and than pregnancy celebration was extremely amusing but it's good thing Bay was there to help Emert with this whole situation and what an unfortunate choice of words for his speech .


3x15 And We Bring the Light

Well bay getting reject for art college was sad but her idea was nice and getting her parent involved was nice


3x16 The Image Disappears

What a sad episode

I am not going ruin it but flash forwards to what life was going to be were interesting  .


3x17 Girl Death Mask (She Plays Alone)

What a revelation to bay about her future .


3x18 It Isn't What You Think

This episode made me so mad i really can't believe this how many times Dapney can mess up before realise she created that situation i understand she angry at her mother but what she did was overboard focus her to make a deal with another bad person just get project under way and this could all been avoided if she hadn't damaged the site.


3x22 Yuletide Fortune Teller

This was another nice Christmas episode with bay and Daphne switching places again to see what they life would been like if they haven't been switched and it slightly different from other switched episode they did last season.


Reply 51#51 codebreaker's post

The ditch day was nice dapny is really out of control


Reply 53#53 codebreaker's post

That's what i call a true sister willing go prison for you i can't believe she would do it and i can't wait to see what happens next and i don't have to wait .


4x01 it cannot be changed

Bay's decision was lucky she only got community services but everyone been mad at Daphne was predictable especially bay's brother and Emmert having a go at her was well deserved and i don't know how she will handle pre-med course because it's clear she can't handle the pressure but she was lucky she found chemistry signer to help .

Bay accidental becoming a drug dealer add 100 extra days she was lucky she didn't get jail time for smuggling drugs to a convict .

I really respect Bay for her sacrifice but i am not sure Daphne can deal with guilt of bay's decision


4x02 Bracing the Waves

I have a feeling that Daphne interpretor will eventually fall for her but that was one hell of learning curve trying defend her when she wanted was someone only translate what's going on. . Look Regina has found another man to fall in love with this season it seem same thing keep recycled every season .

I can easily predict where this season is going but let see what happens.


4x03 I Lock the Door Upon Myself

I am glad Emmert made a new friend but Skye kissing him was predictable i am glad he stop it


4x04 We Were So Close That Nothing Used to Stand Between

Seriously Bay after having a fight with Emmert you get drunk and sleep with trig ?

I really like bay's character because she has a lot passion but she keeps making stupid mistakes her emotions are ridclous if i didn't know better i would think she was bi-polor .

