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Suits Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

She's Mine

Ok i haven't really been a fan of this season but what happens at end none of us saw coming but glad Harvey beat him up but now we know why he was so invested into making sure they didn't find a connection to him and now they have which means that they can prove Eva wasn't responsible but the connection to Darby firm will ruin their own firm reputation so now they are truly screwed if they used the evidence. What a dliemeia .

The cat case was amusing but having him get back the associate to get the cat back was amusing



Great episode and winning case and get rid of Darby was a brilliant move which made me think this was season finale but i found there's still 2 more episodes

[ Last edited by bala at 9-4-2013 15:26 ]


Reply 30#30 codebreaker's post

i didn't see the promo i thought once case was over it was season finale


Reply 32#32 codebreaker's post

Yes i don't usually check how many episodes there are i just watch it until they run out.

This week boring but next month is going to be a challenge figuring out which of the new show i am going to watch and which one i am going give a miss but i always watch every pilot than make my decision to see which one to cut.

Some are easy but some i am really not sure about.


Reply 34#34 codebreaker's post

You could see how i thought this was season finale with episode title call endgame and the fact that case was over.

I am glad there two more episodes


Reply 37#37 codebreaker's post

Louis is always the screw up but his associate did bad job leaving the room when he told her don't let me screw up . Finding a loophole was good.


Reply 40#40 codebreaker's post

Well now he know Mike's secrets


Buried Secrets

Well Lewis is like a dog with a bone even with Donna making up story about mike's transcript but inspect it course by course basis was very through spot mistake in transcript was surprising.


Yesterday's Gone

Well Lewis finally getting worn down to not expose mike was interesting because it look like nothing would stop him


Moot Point

I can't believe Lewis called in his chip so soon just to get her off his back



Wow i really feel sorry for him , he really didn't deserve finding out his girlfriend didn't want children and asking him to scarfice that meant end of their relationship


Know When to Fold 'Em

Well mike thinking offer was great but it did look like good way out but deciding to stay was a huge risk i get that he love being a lawyers but eventually he's going loose everything if he continues opportunities like this don't come around often.


One-Two-Three Go...

Well after 3 season you wonder what next what possible storyline could they come up with keep the audience member interested so they went with classic Harvey Vs Mike on a case and if that wasn't enough Racheal drop a bombshell about Harvey Client i didn't see coming.


Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

The title was amusing consider what Litt said about what he eats and he was proud of it was priceless well done to actor saying that line without cracking up . Not many men could say that with a straight-faced .


Two in the Knees

Well Harvey being forced to hit below the belt and he tries his best not hurt Mike which is nice but things are going get nasty and i don't think His and Racheal relationship will last this season at the rate they are going at.



Well what mike did to Lewis was mean but Lewis getting back on him was great until he gave mike an idea and now he going make a big mistake and i hope he can live with it


Pound of Flesh

Well just when Mike and Havery almost made up Jessica ruins it

Donna and Litt side story was some nice distraction from other storyline


Litt the Hell Up

This is getting a bit boring now these long storyline about merger are getting dull i really want it to be over but Litt actually doing something right was nice until we found out client wanted him to laundry money through various countries .


We're Done

i knew somehow mike would end back at peason harman


4x10 This is Rome

Lewis finally finding out about Mike and than finding out everyone lied to him but trying to leverage becoming a named partner was smart move and i would been pissed if this happened to me.

