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Last Man Standing (ABC) Season 1-5 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Home Security

Well that good security system but dim-witted daughter reprogramming it was priceless


Reply 21#21 bala's post

Trust Mike to get caught up in the neighborhood gossip which left Vanessa in hot water and the reprogrammed alarm was amusing


House Rules

Well Kyle accidentally falling asleep in his girlfriend room was amusing but jumping out of the window was impressive but i loved how he communicated with Mike over the walkies-talkie was amusing.


Reply 23#23 bala's post

The walkies-talkie conversation was amusing and typical sisters wanting her room before she has left


1x09 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

That was an amusing surprise that Rebecca's partner Charlie was her lesbian lover considering how much she likes the same things as Tim and Mandy enlisting the help from Kristin and Eve to make a revenge music video after she found out her boyfriend had lied was priceless


Reply 25#25 codebreaker's post

I didn't know what to make of that video it was good and bad at the same time i love how this put mixture of surprise and unbelievable amusing moments with the girls. .


1x10 Last Christmas Standing

I bet Ed regrets hiring Mandy as an elf at Outdoor Man when she tries to unionize the other elves to get better perks but Ed creeping on the mothers was amusing and Kyle getting nervous when Ryan, the father of Kristen's baby was predictable but after seeing him in church i don't think he has anything to worry about


Reply 27#27 codebreaker's post

Yeah that church singing was amusing but i glad they actually did an episode with the father because it was bugging me that we didn't know who he was but i hope he will stick around.


The Passion of the Mandy

Well this was good episode and Mandy helping the barber shop become popular was great but ED didn't like it which upset Mandy but in the end she at least have some idea what she wants to do as a job.


Reply 29#29 bala's post

Tim remembering when Mandy was conceived was amusing but romantic at the same time and Vanessa's excuse to cover up for falling asleep during the business presentation was impressive but Eve getting upset that the guy she likes only asked her who he should take to the dance was sad



1x12 Moon Over Kenya

Some of the things Mike said to Vanessa about his best day were amusing but I'm surprised she didn't slap him


Reply 32#32 codebreaker's post

Well you got love how he managed to stop her from being angry just by kissing her


Reply 33#33 bala's post

I half expected his girls to be all over that young guy


Reply 34#34 codebreaker's post

I was thinking same thing when he got invited but you  would think  Mandy beening obsessed with celebrity would all over him.


Take Your Daughter To Work

Well almost running over that cute cat but he should known better take it home with 3 daughters


Reply 36#36 bala's post

Eve saying get rid of Mandy because she thinks she's allergic to dogs was amusing and I'm not surprised that Mandy's poster for the stray dog got all the guys to ring but what a jerk the dog owner was

PS Bala what cute cat are you talking about


Reply 37#37 codebreaker's post

I thought it was a cat


Reply 38#38 bala's post

I find that really funny that you thought it was a cat


Reply 39#39 codebreaker's post

It does look like bit like a cat if you didn't weren't paying attention

