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Homeland Seasons 1-7 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


4x04 Iron in the Fire

Carrie giving the kid money without knowing what he wanted it for was nice but you can understand why she had him followed and what Fara uncovered was a surprise, what a bad time to receive a call while Quinn was trying to clone his phone and Carrie seducing the kid was disappointing


Reply 15#15 codebreaker's post

i can't believe Carrie did that but it good thing he's 18 or it would be worst


About a Boy

Carrie contiue her seduction while her team deal multiple issues was unfortunate and you would think see man tied up in the truck police would do something but pretending like he wasn't there was ridclous


4x05 About a Boy

Looks like Carrie slept with the kid to us him as an asset but him getting caught having a sneak peek at her body was amusing and what a stroke of luck Saul got through to Peter before he was taken from the airport as he was pushing his luck going into the toilet and how much was the border guard paid to look the other way with Saul in the boot


Reply 18#18 codebreaker's post

I know right he must been paid well but i wonder how long it will take them to realise he's missing 24 hours at least


Reply 19#19 bala's post

As he didn't get on his plane I think they already suspect something is wrong


Reply 20#20 codebreaker's post

Yes but until plane lands at his destination no one has a clue


Reply 21#21 bala's post

I don't see  the plane landing making any difference as he's not on it but the fact they didn't have someone take his set on the plane is going to be their down fall and finding him is going to be even harder as they don't have a glue if he was taken on another flight or still in the country


Reply 22#22 codebreaker's post

To us we know he's not on the plane but to everyone else they assume he on the plane and flight is 7 -10 hours.

I do think Carrie team might notice sooner than Saul's wife.


Reply 23#23 bala's post

His ticket wasn't used so how can he be on the plane in their eyes


Reply 24#24 codebreaker's post

I completely forgot about his plane ticket

When he going through security at airport i assumed he had check in because he was rushing through it due to him following that guy.


4x07 From A to B and Back Again

There eventually found out but i am going miss that boy he was naive but knowing she got him killed must be awful now they are back to square 1 .



What a bad time to mess with Carrie pills but that hullication of Brody had me going


Halfway to a Donut

Carrie knows someone messed with the pills but considering that guy fancy her was good as she know who messed with the pills and trying rescue Saul didn't go well but making him get captured was bad


4x09 There's Something Else Going On

Now Carrie has to prove he the leak but she did manage to prove it eventually


13 Hours in Islamabad

Taken over an American embassy was impressive and a lot people got killed and i am not surprised they shut it down after what happend


4x11 Krieg Nicht Lieb

I honestly didn't see that coming who was behind it


4x12 Long Time Coming

This was surprising episodes because instead concluded the storyline they decided to something that just was odd which was explore her family and the reason why her mother left .


4x06 From A to B and Back Again

Carrie getting a punch in the nose after putting her plan into action to scare Haissam was karma but willing to sacrifice Saul after Haissam was killed was surprising

