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Mount Pleasant (Sky One) General Discussion (Spoilers)

6x03 Episode 3

The smirk on Fergus's ex wife's face does make it look like she's lying about the reason for turning up suddenly and Pauline deciding to start working at the pub again was amusing, Finn being worried about the cut and shut car was understandable after overhearing his father but Ella helping him steal the car from the police pound was surprising


6x04 Episode 4

You knew there would be repercussions for Finn taking the car from the police pound but from those who got caught in it before the police was surprising and Roger needed to be forced to look for a job, the wedding going off without a hitch made a nice change


6x05 Episode 5

Roger beginning his first day at work after leaving the church was amusing as you knew he didn't want to work at a call center and Ella was bound to find out that Finn had quit his job but Cameron having to give Pauline the bad news about Charlie was tragic as she burnt all his stuff when she thought he was cheating again


6x06 Episode 6

Dan having a hard time knowing what to do with Pauline was understandable but Lisa and Jenna's article in the paper was amusing and what Roger did before getting fired was great


6x07 Episode 7

Fergus's ex wife's does seemed to of worked her way back into his life but Roger now having her wrapped around his finger after the call from her mother is great and the petition to save the park being in full swing was surprising considering it started as a publicity stunt, Ella revealing she's pregnant her father was bad timing as he told Finn to never see her again but changing his mind to help him was nice


6x08 Episode 8

Lisa getting Barry to hand out 'save the park' flyers was interesting with them putting them on the developers car but he threatening them was a mistake and what the new vicar said to Pauline was insensitive, Bradley paying Finn's debit was nice but you knew it wasn't going to be over that easy


6x09 Episode 9

The turnout for the protest at the park was impressive and you just knew Denty would be back causing trouble for Bradley, Pauline still having a hard time with Charlie's death was sad but what Roger said seemed cruel but what a great result


6x10 Episode 10

Denty taking Ella as leverage to force Bradley to go along with his plan was diabolical but what a great rescue and just in time, Barry pouring milkshake over the neighbour date was great and Roger back as a priest was nice


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