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sick and tired

sick and tired

sick and tired of losing points on "cant stream" or other such errors.

Today I have burned 6 points on shows posted that dont stream.

I have never complained for almost three years.

Not sure how many pints I have burned.  But come on.  It is getting old.

Recent Ratings


Reply 1#1 mbenefiel's post

It's not complaining to make us aware of issues you are having, or to request reimbursement for points lost when it is not your fault.  Please, send a PM to lbjedward, the site administrator, and he will be more than happy to reimburse your lost points.

I know that doesn't make up for the frustration of not being able to watch your show/s when planned, but it's the best we can do when members have these types of problems.  I see you've been a member since 2007 and this is your first post in the forum.  I'm not sure if you've checked out the troubleshooting threads.  If not, you may want to do so, as sometimes a little tweaking can enhance your viewing.  

I'm sorry you've had problems, but am happy to welcome you to the forum.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

