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Smash Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 80#80 codebreaker's post

Yes i think that could be a possibility consider her current play is getting ruin by star of the show


Smash 2x08 Promo "The Bells and Whistles" (HD)


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 3-30-2013 23:23 ]


The Bells And Whistles

Well this was lesson about being a director and it good learning experience for both directors on the shows.


2x07 Musical Chairs

I don't know if Karen quitting "Bombshell" was a good idea but she was on her way to being fired so beating them to it was interesting and I wonder what Karen will do if she finds out Derek is getting very possessive warning the guys off


2x08 The Bells And Whistles

Dancing on the bar for Derek was amusing and Karen still having no idea the guys were warned off is going to make thing awkward



The Surprise Party

Karen found out what Derek said to her boyfriend but i found it amusing she call him coward but you really can't keep a good man down. The surprise party for Ivy was challenge trying to get Tom off her back but his birthday surprise was good but having Eileen ruin the surprise with press was sad.


2x09 The Parents

Karen's father catching the back of Jimmy going out the window was amusing but thinking it was Derek at first because of the jacket was a surprise and with the years of tension between Leigh and Ivy it's not looking good for Bombshell, Derek learning more about Jimmy's past was interesting as he offered to bail him out


2x10 The Surprise Party

The relations between Karen, Jimmy, and Derek was bound to explode sooner or later but glad she found out what Derek said to Jimmy and Tom's last minute plans to surprise Ivy was impressive


The Invited Dress

Well IVY and derek having friends with benefit arrangement was rather surprising but Ivy wardrobe malfunction leading her become topless has unexpected surprise when reviewers thought it was fantastic leading Tom to ask Ivy to do it again for the second show but ivy decided to do it in another scene was amusing. .

After all that publicity bombshell had share limelight with Karen's new play was a shocking surprise to Irene.


2x11 The Dress Rehearsal

I'm surprised Ivy had the wardrobe malfunction considering it was a dressed rehearsal and she must of known her dress would come off but the way she did it a second time looked more authentic as she was trying to lure him back to bed


Opening Night

Well it look like an successful opening night but Ivy finding out Karen rejected him was reason why he was with her was sad. i can't believe i didn't realise that because it was so obvious but trust Derek to bounce back


2x12 Opening Night

I'm glad Ivy found out what a creep Derek is and the only reason he is back with her is because Karen rejected him and Jimmy finally opening up to Karen about his past was great but might be too late


Reply 94#94 codebreaker's post

i didn't know that was his brother since i thought he was his drug dealer.


Reply 95#95 bala's post

He probable is a dealer but I guest he also got his brother hooked on drugs as well



The Producers

What an episode really love Kyle song at the end but seriously i am shocked at what happen to him . I really like this so much so that i stopped watching Glee because this show is 10 times better than Glee. Glee is for teenagers while Smash is for grown ups.


2x13 The Producers

Jimmy threatening Hit List's future by going off-the-rail was crazy and the other's trying to help him before something bad happens was nice not that he appreciated it


Reply 99#99 codebreaker's post

Maybe what happened to Kyle will wake him up and take it more seriously ?

