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Spartacus Vengeance Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

reply to Bala

You are right on point that this new season is just not up to the first season of spartacus, or even the 6 episode prelude.....but what can you do. I hope this will be the end of the project. In the movie, spartacus was killed by the I hope the tv version will go the same way. Not that I like to kill off the heroes, but I like a little bit of realism especially in a series where blood, gore, violence and sex are the order of the day.

And what's up with crixus's girlfriend......what a total wimpress.....I hope she gets her act together or she will get everyone around her killed....and for what....

ok I am off to watch the lastest ep.....I am sure I will have something to rave about!!

[ Last edited by fo_ogun1 at 2-25-2012 15:24 ]


why would ganicus come back to the arena

There can only be one spartacus for me and that was andy Whitfield (God rest him). This new guy is a shadow, but I guess we will have to make do.

I find this season more comedy than drama.....there is nothing new, or even shocking that we have not seen in the first two instalments. So the fight scenes or even the sex scenes hold no shock value any more....what they could have done to make this season better is to have a more captivating story, but perhaps I ask too much, It is ok though. Enjoyed the final fight sequence of this episode (i.e. episode 5) crixus to bits.....and spartacus's girlfriend is a badass.

Ganicus is a sight for any girl's eyes......but isn't it time doctore joined his gods?

That's my little tit bit!!


Reply 25#25 Bala's post

You've got that right. I couldn't have said it better myself. As I said in my post, I hope they have the courage to end this (hopefully final) season with a realistic ending....and not hogwash!!

Fingers crossed  ( i know it's victory, but it will have to do!!)


Reply 27#27 Bala's post

Please say it isn't so. Money at any cost is not worth making.......they should keep it like Rome or Tudors or Six feet under.....once the story is told.....move on.....or you will just leave a bad taste in all our smallville ....seasons 9 and 10 Now that was pure torture..... I could name a lot more ....ehm fringe....started so well.....but I will rest my case.

I will pray that this season ends the spartacus franchise......the gods of tv land may hear my prayers!!

my tit bit


what's up with Spartacus: Blood and Sand season 2

I will complain about how bad this season is here. Or is it just me....the story is going nowhere, the characters are uninteresting, all the blood, gore and sex are totally irrelevant and I can't understand why they  had to have a second season especially after Andy had passed away. Not worth wasting time over unless ofcourse one's brain is switched off. Definitely a shadow of season one. I hope they do not try for season 3.

My lil' tit bit

[ Last edited by fo_ogun1 at 3-17-2012 22:14 ]

