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Falling Skies Season 3-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

4x03 Exodus

Well this was a good episode with Pope having to come to rescue but him dropping the backpack and having to get it was rather amusing but they took down the gate . Well i knew she would find her daughter but i don't think it will be a happy reunion..


Evolve or Die

The most interesting aspect of this episode was overlord conversation with each other about Lexie because we never seen that happen in this any of the episodes.


Mind Wars

This was very predictable episode nothing came as a surprise and this fill-in episode


Door Number Three

Letting Lexie to change in that coccon was one hell of a risk but let see what happens


Saturday Night Massacre

Lexie has become more powerful and look like tom manison made mistake choose family over well being of human race


A Thing With Feathers

This felt like a filler episode because nothing much happen .


4x09 Till Death Do Us Part

What an odd time to get married in middle of the war but tom wanting get to moon should be amusing


4x10 Drawing Straws

Lexie back but they should better come back line than hello dad .


Reply 35#35 arksongbird80's post

I know what you mean this show used to be good but it seem writers are struggling to come up with good storyline i don't know why they don't just focus on Lexie .

PS where have you been?  you haven't posted in a while


Reply 37#37 arksongbird80's post

Lucky you i wish my life was more exciting



5x01 Find Your Warrior

You really can't keep mason down returning to the camp like nothing happend was amusing but i question visions he is getting because it does look like he's being manipulated by someone


Reply 107#107 arksongbird80's post

The question is once new alien eliminate all the bugs will the humans be next?


5x02 Hunger Pains

Aliens destroy all the food was tragic but there were lucky find a food bunker eventually  


Reply 110#110 arksongbird80's post

it's not like they had much of choice ?


Reply 112#112 arksongbird80's post

Most of the space was defences rest were places to store medicine and quarters for people to sleep . They have a lot things to do remember it a temporary home until they move it's much more convenient to have all the food in one place so there can transport it all at once.


5x03 Hatchlings

That was tough call destroying the hatching or save Pope girlfriend but her dying was unfortunate


5x04 Pope Breaks Bad

it was obvious pope was going mad at Tom for that decision but being able to turn people against Tom was interesting but kidnap one of his son was interesting cliffhanger



5x05 Non-Essential Personnel

Of course introduce a bunch new characters just to keep the show fresh oh boy

