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Have Not Received VIP Card (Post Here)

I asked to have my VIP points converted on 7/21/07, now I have ran out of my donation points and am waiting for my new donation VIP card (I ordered 12hrs ago). If my earned points had been converted, I would have enough to last me until I get my donation points. On 7/21 I had enough to get 20pts converted, now I have 37pts so I can at least get 30 converted. I don't understand why it has taken so long to get my earned points converted.I really want to continue enjoying all the VIP shows on!! Also, I watched part of a show at about 3am and it wont let me re-watch it even though its within 24hrs and I have only clicked on it twice.(i guess because I'm out of points, but that shouldn't matter) Hope someone can help! Someone suggested that I PM "bjedward" which I did. How long do you think it will be before I can get back to watching shows??
Thanks to anyone who answers!!


I appreciate that very much and normally I'm not an impatient person, but It's been since th 21'st of July and now I have no points left. I'm right in the middle of a show that I fell asleep during last night and even though I should still have like 28 more free clicks left it wont let me start it over. I guess because I'm out of points, but I already paid for this one. Anyway thank you for you r time and help, I really do appreciate all the peeps here.

