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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 51#51 sanggye's post

Yes but we know they don't actually know full story behind battle of new york you just know there some of it but not everything.


how can they call Scorch a superhero when they turned him  into a killer
He wanted to be a superhero but got misguided when they took away his abilities


Reply 56#56 codebreaker's post

I was refer to fact that they took away his abilities when drain fire resistant protein out of his body preventing him from using the power. He needs those protein in the bottle to get back his ablity.



Well i have to say i never expected Simmons to jump out of the plane but that was one hell of a rescue by Grant


Reply 60#60 codebreaker's post

Sorry didn't realise that i correct the spelling and now i need find a good banner


Reply 63#63 codebreaker's post

Thanks for the banner


The Hub

Well this was ok episode but episode become average but i liked the fact we saw another building where S.H.E.L.D was based in which was only thing good about this episode


Reply 67#67 codebreaker's post

When Gemma panic she really goes overboard

They must been easier way to knock him out


Reply 69#69 codebreaker's post

Yes so would i but after that disaster flirting she really had no choice but knock him out but i would love to see her kiss him that would been hilarious


the Well

Well another ok episode finding an Asguard warrior hiding in plain sight was interesting revelation but that staff was one hell rage magnet



Well i have say this was a new one ghost being responsible for all bad things that happened to the girl was sad all because he was in love with her but being trapped between dimension certainly made him difficult to fight. .


The Bridge

A very good episode and great way tie in all the pervious storyline but exchange Colson was brilliant twist i can't believe none figured out the double cross i knew something was up but even that fake explosion was ridiculous


Reply 81#81 arksongbird80's post

At least we found out what really happened to Colson and it was horriable

Sky going rouge was amusing



Well going to Academe was interesting situation but that fact one of them created a major weapons was rather alarming  but him getting powers certainly add a interesting possible return


Reply 88#88 codebreaker's post

Yes you could they were trying something different with this episode and i liked different way one situation was viewed from different perspective



So saving Skye was risky but trying to get bottom of Colson mystery just got even more stranger finding out they used alien blood to heal him and give that Skye did save her life but we have no idea what the consequences or side effect to that substance is

What a way lead into next episode


Reply 94#94 codebreaker's post

Well she was beautiful but she could fight we saw that in hanger when sif attack her. Lorelei just prefer control men to fighting i can understand it.


Reply 96#96 codebreaker's post

Yes but she wanted to be ruler she thought fighting as something beneath her


"End of the Beginning

Well another good episode but agent Maye under suspicion when discovered the secret phone line was great and having the plane overridden was a great cliffhanger.


Reply 102#102 arksongbird80's post

Yep but only fans of marvel universe will understand what Hyra is but none fans might be confused

