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Black Sails Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

S1 was good
S2 was great
S3 was terrible when compared to 2, it was just barely watchable. I'm happy that Vane's death was the same as the real life man. That part of history should not be alterted
S4 was okay, but Silver is assumed dead....then Madi is assumed dead. Redundant. But, wait a minute, after all this years low and behold Thomas Hamilton is still alive. Man, Flint's a lucky man. He lost the wife/woman but gained the husband/man in the end. Funny!

The show had some good characters . Loved Rackham, Anne, Silver, Flint, Billy's spiral towards the end of S3 & 4 was sad to watch and Gates death was tough. Max's character got ridiculous with each passing season. She and Anne had no chemistry not like what she had with Eleanor. The show dropped the ball there. I can buy a prostitute willing and dealing to rise above her station, but the show wanted her to be another Eleanor and she was so far from it.

