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Mind Games Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

1x09 The Sweet Science

Helping aged boxer win the fight was great and techiques were very amusing


1x10 N.D.E

So Sam decides to do right thing and not steal the money but finding out her friend had been setting it up for 6 weeks made her realise he was using her and this leads to exit from the series which was a good choice since series got cancelled.


1x11 Embodied Cognition

So much for it being Sam's last episode they found her and now they are focing miles to help them with a problem


1x12 As God Is My Witness

The problem was making a priest not testify against gangster son and it was good plan and Clark being told the situation made things interesting because he decided fire the team in hope that they won't get invloved with the situation as plan got together Clark finds out that his girlfriend was a plant by Miles making the whole plan go up in smoke i am not surprised he lost it at end of the episode consider he thinking of proposing to her


1x13 Balloon Boy

This was a fantastic series finale and i am happy to inform you it didn't end in a cliffhanger which is great and what a way to go out making gangster son to confess to the beating doing double con at the same time   .


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