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Heroes Season 2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 172#172 waterlilybarb's post

Actually Volume 2 was supposed to end differently.

It was gonna end with "Nathan collapsing from the Shanti Virus in the middle of his speech. Due to the writer's strike cutting the season short, the scene was rewritten to end on a more dramatic cliffhanger note, with Nathan being gunned down by an unknown assassin."

I really think Angela ordered the assassination of her own son. If  you ask me, I don't think Nathan is gonna survive. I also don't think that Niki will survive the blast. We already know her story, there aren't much more to tell. It's unfortunate that Micah lost his parents in just a few episodes (months) apart. I think we'll see more of Monica and Micah instead.

And yes I'm dying find out what powers do Angela, Kaito, Arthur, and other founders... possess... if they have any...

I hope Adam will stay buried in his grave. Yes he's buried in the Aoyama Cemetry where Hiro's parents are buried. I wonder if Hiro also teleported him to the another time, like perhaps the future?

I hate to see the return of Sylar :Q

ARGH... when will the writers strike ends???


BTW, for a moment I was actually really glad that Maya died... until the stupid Sylar decided to test Claire's blood on her... Sigh!


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