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Numb3rs Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 56#56 imarielle626's post

I agree with you. I love this epi but the answer of Amita can go either way. If she says Yes, it isn't a real cliffhanger cause that's what everyone expects. If they want to do something unexpected they make her say no and have some good reasons for that. However that might be strange seeing the conversation she had with Alan a few epis back.

I hope she says yes and I can't wait to see that epi


Episode 13 Devil Girl

I didn't really like this one. It was not enough of the math and too much of the DNA-guy and Don and the motor club
I didn't really get who the person at the end was, walking over the street.
I think that the car accident may have more consequences than they showed in this epi, but I'm not sure.


Reply 20#20 waterlilybarb's post

I just hope it will be renewed. It is such a good show and completely different from the others due to the math


Reply 22#22 waterlilybarb's post

On the other hand, finishing with the wedding would be a great end!


kwargalla, it seems like you've got your happy ending for Don as well. But judging by this season final, it will be a series final too.


Reply 31#31 waterlilybarb's post

Then I'm curious to how they are going to go on next season

