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Gossip Girl Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Juliet Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

Look like there going trouble ahead and look like Juliet got some new friends to take down Blair gang i can't wait to see what there plan is.


Reply 20#20 bala's post

Juliet enlisting Jenny's help along with Vanessa should be interesting but i did like how they all came together and destroyed the photo


Reply 21#21 codebreaker's post

That's what i call friendship


The Witches of Bushwick

So Juliet has kidnap Serena and Jen and Vanessa have no idea what they have done. Her plan was flawless


Reply 23#23 bala's post

It does appear that Juliet's plan was flawless except swapping the Sim card, i know Jen replaced all her numbers and any relevant text could be forwarded to her new Sim but they wouldn't show the name they came from originally and she must of tried to contact someone with the new Sim which wouldn't show her name


Reply 24#24 codebreaker's post

I am looking forward to seeing who will figure out she is trouble.


Reply 25#25 bala's post

Isn't this situation similar to how this show start except shes not returning from running away but looks like shes gone again and as long as Juliet's got her phone this could go on for a while


Reply 26#26 codebreaker's post

Looking at previews i think resolved quite quickly remember Blair and Chuck have lot of resources compared to Juliet. Good memory about how this show started


i love serena's voice


I love Chuck and Blair! Am very glad they admitted their true feelings to each other and think Blair's right to try and figure where she belongs before being his girlfriend again although I hope they end up together eventually - knowing gossip girl though it's more likely to go horribly wrong.



Well Julia plan was flawless and look like she went the extra mile making everyone think she's fallen off the wagon but i liked how she didn't really kidnap her.


Reply 30#30 bala's post

Julia does seem to have covered all her bases even with the photos to make it look real and convincing Vanessa to put the blame on Jenny was the icing on the cake, Dan being the only one to believe in her was nice


Reply 31#31 codebreaker's post

Well look like Jenny has become a double agent and now that Blair knows the score it's going to be interesting but not only does Julia do that but getting Lilli to pay her was actually icing on the cake


Ah, but Juliet's big mistake was not getting a lump sum out of Lily. Once everything comes out Lily will just stop the cheques!!

I'm glad Dan believed in Serena, she needed somebody to. It must be hard for those two to play being this close when they just broke up in real life after nearly 3 years together.

By the way, when I was in New York last month I took quite a lot of pictures. I was watching this episode and they had a shot of outside Nate's apartment and I thought to myself, I've seen that place. Turns out I took a picture of it because it had Halloween decorations up and I didn't even realise it was his place:

It was actually the Upper West Side and not East!


The Townie

Well this was great episode with all history about Ben and Serena but why didn't he try contact her sooner but you kind of understand where Julie is coming from since Ben is innocent but 5 years is a long time.

Was it just me or was it just me or was Blair flirting with Dan when they were washing dishes?.


reply 34#34 bala's post

you know i think your right blair was deffinately flirting with dan BUT i dont want that and it also looks like serena is going to get it on with ben.
i want dan and serena to get back together :'( :'(


Reply 34#34 bala's post

I cant believe that it was Lily's sent Ben to prison just so Serena could have a better education and then trying to sell Bass industries without Chuck knowing but wouldn't it be nice if Lily was charged with perjury for lying and sending a innocent man to prison for 5 years


Reply 36#36 codebreaker's post

Well i have feeling she won't be charged plus she has best lawyers so i doubt she go to prison.


reply 36#36 codebreakers post

i think they the show wanted to shock us plus bring in a new bad guy, lilly has always been fairly impartial and quite fair but now all of a sudden she is completely devious and evil, i know she was always a bit unfeeling but not like this
always repect peoples opinions


4x12 The Kids Are Not Alright

Good episode but the envelope swap was to obvious and looks like Chuck is getting in bed with the enemy

