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Medium Season 1-7 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I figured it out when she was getting dressed to "ship off in the naval uniform" My husband thought she had a twin and I said no it is a guy. All the guys being killed just acted to sensitive to be regular Joe's Especially when you compare them with the guy she picked up with the fake accent. As for last weeks episode it was great seeing Joe having a dream. I was very sad to see Cynthia Keener kill that girl, now a person who helps others will be in prison.   Back to this week Loved how Devalos stuck it to his ex friend who stole his job.


Reply 49#49 gabsimom's post

That's female institution for you


When I saw the naval uniform I too thought that it could also be a guy. Still, interesting episode- especially how Devalos managed to turn around the situation in his favour.


Reply 51#51 Teachergirl's post

he's a smart person and thanks allison got a heads up otherwise he would been in trouble.


I liked the fact that instead of hiding her he's giving her the credit that she deserves- after all she helped solve many cases for him.



Well this is going be intresting having dead ghost hanging around but he got away with murder because he's dead but look like alison has new partner doesn't like it because she can't get rid of him.

Kelly preston-i hope she doesn't get in middle of there marriage.


This was a good episode, I did not catch on the ghost was lying to kill the perp. I did still thin k the guy Allison saw was the real killer though.
Do you Think Joe got suckered by a good sales pitch?


Reply 55#55 gabsimom's post

he a man and she's a beautiful women-do the maths


Medium 4x13

Well this was a good episode-are all her children psychic i mean youngest pass her eye test by reading minds-seriously?-chances of 3 kids all having similar abilities bit too much but still Joel knew how to make sure her kids got what she needed.

Well they got away with murder but why murder her?


Medium 4x14

This was another great episode that was just bad luck i mean of all the people sell a car to you choose sell to her and she figured out you committed perfect murder if i ever wanted to kill my wife that how i would do it.


Reply 58#58 bala's post

i watched this the other day and meant to come back and comment !!

What do you think will happen with Joe and his new business Partner? What a hussie, I hope she doesn't put the moves on Joe like Alison foresaw. Or if she does, that he doesn't reciprocate!


Reply 59#59 shinny's post

i think joe would probably not do anything but he wouldn't tell alison that she kissed him and look on his face when she enter woman office said it all. Joe a good man but he still a man let face it she's a lot more attractive than Alison is my personal opinion.


Reply 60#60 bala's post

So being a "man" automatically means a cheater? Not so Bala, a lot of men have strong characters and don't cheat, just like some women do cheat. Besides, Alison is his wife and he's built a life with her. It's not all about her being better looking than Alison. Beauty is only skin deep and if there is nothing but the surface then there's really not much at all.


Reply 61#61 shinny's post

i didn't say he would cheat i said he wouldn't tell allison about kiss.

if you read my comment i said he is a good man wouldn't cheat but i wouldn't blame him if i was him.

i just read my comment again i get what i was suggesting.

clear it up Joe would never cheat on Alison

[ Last edited by bala at 4-30-2008 21:13 ]


Yeh but you said "he's still a man", so what was that meant to mean?

Edit = Ok !!


Reply 63#63 shinny's post

what i meant by that he might find her attractive but would probably never admit it to himself and he's good husband.the amount times Alison woke him up was awful  


Alison "You had an affair Joe?!"

Joe "Well yes, I mean come on, the amount of times you woke me up, what did you expect?"


Alison "You had an affair Joe?!"

Joe "Well yes, I mean come on, the amount of times you woke me up, what did you expect?"

Alison: you knew who you were marrying before we got married
Joe: Yeah but you only woke me once a week not every night


If you noticed as soon as she leaned in he pulled away. This may sever the relationship and respect he had for her as a boss.
I can't wait to see next weeks.


Reply 67#67 gabsimom's post

We are all in agreement Joe wouldn't do anything with her

was it just me did episode cut out at end when that happened?

