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Grey's Anatomy Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Season 4x02 (Warning: spoilers!)

So shall we discuss?

I liked this episode a lot better than the last one, it felt less forced and funnier (I loved the part when Cristina was bribing people off with wedding gifts...though so sad for her...).

I was totally annoyed with Izzy and George. I didn't like that they were talking so openly and acting so lovey dovey in public, I kept thinking Callie was going to walk in on them. I'm not sure what I want to happen, all 3 of them in the triangle are bugging me.

I wasn't happy with Meredith for not even wanting to go to the cafeteria with Derek.  I can understand her freaking out if he were to try to get her to commit to something like moving in together..but a sandwich in the hospital lunch hall!!? Get over yourself! I think Derek's going to start having feelings for someone else...though I'm not sure who. THAT'S why we need Addy back!!

I also loved Bailey and Alex throughout the whole episode (especially the scene with them together). I love that Alex is becoming the moral one in the group! And Addison taught him well, he's a good baby doctor! I just wish he'd stop doing his hair in a boufant and shave his facial hair already!

And your thoughts?


Sigh..........I think I might be losing interest in the series................My dislike for Meredith keeps growing! Shes obnoxious, self consumed and stubborn.

Izzy and George are more like they have high school crushes, but I still think they are cute. I never liked Callie anyway. I want to see a confrontation- CAT FIGHT!!- between Izzy and Callie though.

Cristina, I actually like her more all the time and Alex as well.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Reply #1 studiojek's post

I pretty much agree with everything you said. I loved last night's episode. It had the humor and drama a season 2 episode had.

I didn't like Meredith for the way she handles her relationship with Derek. I mean, seriously, she won't even have lunch with him!? But I can't really blame her for not wanting to get to know Lexie.

Izzie and George. I don't like them togehter. Never did, and probably never will. I don't really like George and Callie either, but Izzie and George just aren't a good couple, in my opinion.


Reply #2 silver1978's post

I really wish the Izzy-George-Callie love triangle would come out into the open already, cat fight or not, I am tired of it being in the dark!


derek's meredith addiction.... he's trying to pull away and he just can't. why is it that i so badly want them to be in a healthy relationship!?? i mean, god they just keep screwing with eachother's lives, and meredith is so messed up.


4x03 (spoiler if not seen)

it look like i'm first one here, ok so the coma guy woke up and am sad he died. poor izzy just when she needed someone to talk to he died. wow Bailey actually helping Torries was nice i think they would make a good team, it was strange seeing Richard Gilmore as an intern-that was beyond strange and George it couldn't last could it they were bound to find out and i don't think medieth was hard on lexie she taugh her a valuable lesson that some people don't make it. it nice at end how she explain how her mother died.

this was much better episode than last week at least George told her now question is where do they go from here since he didn't say he wanted to leave her but told he cheated on her.

guess we have wait until next week   

oh yeah that was a massive risk they took with the operation needed Derek to help them out . would though he would known better as he was the chief of medicine.


Reply #1 bala's post

I actually preferred last week's episode, I thought it was funnier and more interesting. This week sort of felt like a 'filler' to me, like the first one - like they were just filling space. Hopefully next episode will be a little juicier!

I agree, I think Meredith dealt well with Lexie, and I like that Bailey swallowed her pride and helped Callie.

I'm still tired of the George-Izzy-Callie love triangle, so thank goodness it's out in the open. I predict that Callie is going to somehow convince George to stay with her though.

The whole Chief - McSteamy - McDreamy storyline was a little odd. Who would ever think McSteamy's too old!!?? I'm not sure what that had to do with anything. And, does anyone else find it weird that NOBODY has mentioned Addison since she left!!??

One final thing, I was soooo unhappy with Alex about letting the truth come out about George. It was just mean, and very 'old school' Alex, which is why I suppose the writers did it - to remind us of who Alex is!

Oh, and I agree, having Richard Gilmore at Seattle Grace was WEIRD!

[ Last edited by  studiojek at 10-12-2007 20:41 ]


I thought last night's episode was awesome! I felt like an old school Grey's episode. Cristina pretending to be sad, Derek giving the Chief and Mark his little speech after the surgery and then saying "I'm sorry I called you guys idiots." the friends confessing their feelings about each other ("You need loser pants." "You need a new hairstyle, the 80s are over, honey. ) The fun IS back, finally.

Alex is better than he was before, he went to apologize to Norman after he yelled at him. But I wanted to smack him during the elevator scene though.

Can't wait for next week's episode -- Callie and Izzie smackdown!


The whole Chief - McSteamy - McDreamy storyline was a little odd. Who would ever think McSteamy's too old!!??

well there are old per-say but they are not exactly spring chicken


Reply #4 bala's post

Ok now I feel old

I do admit it, I'm looking forward to the smackdown too!


Alex really got on my nerves during that elevator scene.  I really wanted George to turn around and punch him again!  I also for a second though something was going to happen between Alex and Lexie, but then Alex turned into and ass.

I like really old guy being awake...he was funny and Izzy really needed someone to talk to.

I thought this episode was a little slow, but it did have some great one liners!


I watched the first 3 seasons of Grey's in a matter of about 2 weeks last spring... and I came to the conclusion that they were AMAZING, especially the second season.

Now, I am not sure if its the effect of having to watch each episode one week apart, but this season really seems to be dragging. I mean, can we have some good stuff start happening or what? Even the patient scenarios are a bit boring. I mean come on... a deer??

I really hope things pick up. They need to add Characters, with Addison and Burke gone, its just not enough people (and adding a 248023948903 year old Intern doesn't help).

Sorry, didnt mean to bash the show, i still love it, I just needed to vent.

[ Last edited by  mariam0606 at 10-16-2007 03:32 ]


Reply #7 mariam0606's post

The deer storyline was kind of weird. But Izzie is Izzie, I guess.

I heard they are going to have new characters come in soon. A while ago, at the end of season 3, there was talk that they were casting Tiffani Thiessen to play one of Derek's sisters who is a psyciatrist (sp?) and ends up working at SG. Haven't heard anyone about that for a while though. There's also talk about a new love interest for Derek. Plus, Lexie's a new cast member.


Reply #7 mariam0606's post

I couldn't agree more! Actually, though, I caught up all summer too, so it might just be that seeing once a week instead of 150 episodes per day makes it seem like it's dragging

I hope they add more characters, too. And I do think it's time to add a possible flirtation for Derek, wake Meredith up a bit!


Alex - Okay so I have to agree with everyone who says they were mad at Alex.  I was as well.  He just pulled a jerkface move.  But, I was glad that George had the strength to man up and agree, rather than try to cover it up anymore.

Callie- I bet she is going to get pregnant and convince George to stay because of that.  I mean, in episode one, she told George that he could be the "daddy intern."  

Meredith- I also agree that she did a great job teaching Lexie. I mean, what did she have to lose?  There was a body and she needed to learn how to put in the throat thing.  haha  But i guess Lexie is just not used to that type of teaching yet.  It reminds me of when Addison made Izzie take care of the baby when she knew it would die, so she could teach her.

Bailey - I liked that she accepted her position and is willing to help out Callie.  I think this will be good for both of them.  Callie seems to be having problems with the residents listening to her.  I think Bailey will make them all man up and listen to her.

And finally, Richard Gilmore as the new intern.  That was very weird for me.  I think he will  be a good mix on the show though.  He needed something else to do, now that GG is over! haha

That's about all I have to say about this episode, and I am stoked for the Callie - Izzie brawl.  I saw a preview here.  Looks hilarious (Izzie is getting all ready in the cafeteria, jumping back and forth, prepping herself, pulling up her arms to fight.haha)


Reply #10 themegababe's post

As much as I love Izzie, she doesn't hold much of a chance in a fight with Callie!!!


Reply #11 studiojek's post

very very true.  we should make a poll and see what others think


4x04 (spoiler if not seen)

What did everyone think of episode 4?  I thought it was well done, with a few surprises.

Callie - I really felt bad for her.  In the end, I could really see her pain.  That sucked.  I really hope she can pull it together. BUT I doubt they will kick her off, I think she is on for good and is going to cause some tension.  

George - Not too much about him this week, which is a big change, because he had done so much and been so prevalent in the last few episodes.

Alex - We are starting to see a little bit deeper into his heart.  He may like Eva, but I think he still holds a candle for Izzie.  I was surprised by the anger he showed when she told him, but I liked how he finally explained why he was upset that she slept with George.  And then it was really cute when he brought Izzie kleenex in the end

Meredith and Derek - I am glad to see some of their issues working out, a little.  When he first cancelled on her by the elevator, I thought he had made the plans with Lexie, but then I decided he did not.  He is waiting for her. But how much is he really waiting if he is threatening her with moving on if someone else comes along?  I would just like to see him actually wait patiently and love her and let her come to him.

Izzie cracked me up when she wanted to fight Callie, I thought that was hilarious.  It will be interesting to see if she still has a thing for George, or re-opens her mind to the Alex possibility.

Just my 2 cents, what does everyone else think?


Reply #1 themegababe's post

ok, great review and i really don't know what i can add to your comments but i with torries on this i'm glad she told izzy off and i'm glad Alex still has feelings for izzy i can understand why he was upset, george isn't exactly right type of man for izzy.

anyway,Meredith and Derek please don't tell me he actually proposed to her?-i'm a bit unsure what he said 'i want marry you my head froze with that revelation i knew he love her but come on we all know he was on-off relationship not type to get serious. cute relationship that had it qurikes. i'm was surprised how she actually didn't freak out what he said he wanted to marry her?-i was expecting a slap or something like that.

i hoping they don't re-open george thing but i guess time will tell


Reply #2 bala's post

yeah I could not tell what he was really saying by "i want to marry you." Like does he really want to marry her?  Are his feelings for her that strong?  Who knows

