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Lincoln Heights Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


ok i finally got answer and here it is guys for those who are waiting you will be waiting

PS. Lincoln Heights   we can not find ep2 anywhere, so we have to hold all eps since from 2.

Until they find episode 2 of season 3 there won't any new episodes updated


Reply 9#9 bala's post

I have found a AVI single link for 3x02 but i don't know if they can convert it


Lincoln Heights 4x01 Home Again

Good returning episode but Charles temper is getting out of hand


Reply 11#11 codebreaker's post

Well he has always had a temper and Eddie  has a right to be concerned about Charles the question what is going to do with money he hiding.


Person of intrest

great episode Eddie picking one of his son over trey but the question is that guy a drug dealer or not ?. Sage now know money which creates problems


Reply 13#13 bala's post

Charles did the right think in coming back but the police slipped up with their timing of the search allowing Charles another time to hid the money. Tay's birthday didn't go well except for the girls confessions and with Sage knowing about the money i think will be a problem


Reply 14#14 codebreaker's post

I think the police thought he wouldn't hide anything in his place so they search his girlfriend place first in hopes she was hiding something for him. it's a good thing she warn him



Well this was a great ep and I love the fact that he gave either all the money or some of the money back. I can't wait to see what they do with the money.


Reply 16#16 carlorica's post

I had a feeling the guy in the wheelchair was bad but that was a close call with Lizzie and Eddie and did Charles bring the money back to stop his mom from leaving or because she demanded her share


Reply 17#17 codebreaker's post

That was what I was trying to figure out also since we don't know how much money was left.


Reply 16#16 carlorica's post

i finally got around to watching this i can't believe he came back but I'm glad Charles did the right thing


Time to Let Go

Wow what a great plan to escape Charlie as soon cassey told him that her father turned the money in he managed track down his father make them stay and his father is a lawyer talk about a coincidence  .

Izzy helping that boy but his rabbit was filled with drugs and i don't how she will explain to that boy and that boy isn't going trust her ever again .

This show never run out of good story-line who thinks the robin hood is that guy in centre helping izzy out ?.


Reply 20#20 bala's post

Nice line from Eddie to Taylor your lucky it's only pool i am shooting


Lincoln Heights 4x05 Trash

Good episode after Charles gets help from Eddie and Cassie after becoming disappointed with the new family he confesses about the money


Reply 22#22 codebreaker's post

Yeah it was good episode


Lincoln Heights 4x06 With You I Will Leave

Nice episode about Lizzie moving on from Johnny but the waiting for news about Nate Ray and then knot knowing the extent of his injuries was hard


Lincoln Heights 4x08

Nice episode dealing with bullying it great those boys went too far but how stupid picking on a Eddie's son


Lincoln Heights 4x09 Lucky

Charles is a jerk for the way he treats Cassie but Nate Ray is having a bad time


Lincoln Heights 4x10 The Gathering Storm

Cassie proposing to Charles but i loved Eddie's reaction when they asked for their blessing. Tay's tribute song for Nate Ray and Lizzie standing up to the principle were both great and Charles and Cassie vows were beautiful this was a great episode


Reply 27#27 codebreaker's post

you know you have wait another year for next season-I'm still undecided when to watch it.

