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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Hi Lost watchers! I waited until I was all caught up on all the seasons before coming into the forum, for fear of learning something I didn't want to know!

Here are some of the points I've been pondering:

1. The bracelet that Sayid took off Naomi was engraved from "R.G."  Then we saw that same bracelet was on Elsa's wrist...?

2. I also thought that Aaron looked a little off, like he had Down's or was unusually large...but he's always sort of been exceptionally large (LOL Charlie called him 'turnip-head'). I'm not sure a baby of that age could 'act' sick though, because right after he was fine.

3. When Kate goes to meet Jack at the airport, she says she doesn't have much time to talk because "he'll ask where she is." Was she talking about Aaron?

4. I think the picture Miles has of Ben is from an airport, it looked like he was going through security. I also think that Miles' request for '3.2 million dollars' was a code. Maybe Ben and the boat are actually working together?

5. I think the man who claimed to be an Oceanic lawyer (but was actually Naomi's boss) asked if they 'were still alive' because he found out their story about only being 8 survivors (the story Jack told at Kate's trial) wasn't true.

6. One theory I have about the man in the coffin is that it was Sawyer (much as it breaks my heart to say so!). Just a hunch.

Ok, that's it (well, not really, but asking all the questions and not answering any is making my brain explode too!!).



Reply 52#52 waterlilybarb's post

1. Yes, definitely possible. He's the only "R" we know of right now anyway.

6. Yes, Michael is definitely a possiblity now that I think about it. Or maybe Ben or Locke, maybe they have sons we'll find about later!?

Man, I am such a conspiracy theorist LOL!!


Episode 6

Boooooring. I know, I know, they can't all be like The Constant, sometimes they need episodes like this to give us little pieces of useful information, but I can't think of many things we learned that we didn't already know. We did find out for sure of the link with Whidmore, and we learned according to Harper that Juliet looks "just like her," whatever that means. We know that we THINK Dan and Charlotte aren't all that bad, but that they are against Ben.

Anyway, I was disappointed, it felt like a filler episode which isn't much fun after all our months of waiting from the strike!


Well this episode was much better than last week's, but I still feel like they're creating more questions than they're answering and it's getting frustrating!!

I did like the flashforward/back confusion, though of course I was sad to discover that Jin wasn't going to be there for his daughter. I believe personally that the rest of the people were left behind on the island (the non-Oceanic 6) and that the 6 who got off were chosen to perform some sort of task together, though of course besides Sayid we don't quite understand what that is. It will be interesting to find out!


Reply 70#70 gypsiegirl66's post

I agree that it has something to do with Claire being his sister. As for Desmond's vision of the helicopter, my guess is that Claire will be killed getting into the helicopter, and Kate will grab Aaron and get him to safety.

So, my thoughts about this episode (Meet Kevin Johnson):

Sayid 'outed' Michael to use him as leverage to get some info from the Captain. Or else, Sayid just knows how Ben plays people and thinks that this is another one of those situations. We do know that Sayid eventually ends up working for Ben, too, though...

I think the idea that Whidmore simply wants the island to turn it into a tourist trap is a lie - not when there are so many crazy scientific things related to that island. I have a feeling he needs the island to get back in time for something....or something equally metaphysical!

I think that Ben purposely sent Carl to get murdered but didn't account for Rousseau (though I don't think he'll lose sleep over it). I am not convinced that they're actually dead though...I would be love a Rousseau flashback however...I've always wondered if there is some relation between Rousseau and Ben that we don't know about yet.

Never liked Michael, never ever. This episode (though I'll admit the actor playing him did a great job) brought that old familiar annoyance with him back!

I give this episode a B in my own book! Good back story and some of our questions answered, but not enough action - and NOT ENOUGH SAWYER - that's 4 weeks in a row now!!!


Reply 74#74 waterlilybarb's post

I'm so excited for the new Lost!!!!!

I was thinking maybe we should continue our discussion in separate episode threads, so that nobody who wants to partake risks any spoilers?


Lost Season 4 Episode 9 discussion

I thought I'd start a separate thread for this episode discussion so we can chat without anyone having to worry about spoilers! So, if you haven't seen this episode yet, close up this thread!

My random thoughts on Episode 9:

Great things about this episode:

This is the first time we saw Ben lose! And I felt badly for him, up until the very moment he tricked Sayid into playing his war and walked away smiling. Darn, even I fell for that one, I really thought Ben was being sincere. Stupid on my part!

I loved that Sawyer is now a big-hearted mama bear looking after all his little cubbies!

I love that Ben, Hurley and Locke are going after Jacob together!

I love that Bernard knows morse code! Now, what the heck, the doctor's dead in this time and space but not on the boat's time and space?

The opening scene with Locke, Sawyer and Hurley with Aaron on his knee! Sawyer: "Don't worry Chicken Little, the sky's not falling just yet."

Annoying thing about this episode:

That Miles was in it. I just can not stand him. And I'm convinced that all this talk of "3.2 million dollars" is a code for something else.

Things this episode answered for us:

Ben controls the buzzing black thingee.

Why/how Ben got Sayid to work for him.

A small (very small!) glimpse into the Ben/Whidmore connection.

More questions this episode added to the lot:

What the heck is up with Jack looking like death's come for a long visit?

Is Rousseau really dead without us getting any history on her?

Ok, now your turn!...


Both of your comments are interesting.

I read on thelostdiary.com (very informative website if you're a nerdy Lostie like me!) someone's theory that maybe Widmore is Ben's constant (hence why he can't kill him). Hmm that'd be interesting...I'm also starting to wonder if they are somehow related...? Sort of Cain and Abel sort of competition?

Also, I think there's probably some relationship between the polar bear they found in the desert and Ben ending up in the middle of the desert...?

As always, more ?s than answers!


Reply 5#5 alexgirl's post

Well I have to be honest and say that even I fell for Ben's story to Sayid for a second. And Sayid, being torn apart by losing his true love, could absolutely have fallen for it. Do you remember how he was after Shannon died, he was back to his old kill-all ways...and I think Ben played on that, as Ben best does!

Haha at the Bruce Lee retracting stick!!!!


I've got a lot to say!!! OHMYGOSH is right! While this wasn't the BEST Lost episode of all time, it was pretty informative, though of course created a lot more questions too!  Here's my commentary!:

So, as far as information we've discovered, we get a glimpse of how Kate gets Aaron and we see how Jack starts to take pills. We also found out that Jack apparently knows that Aaron is family - his "YOU'RE not even family to Kate" seemed to make that pretty clear. How he finds that out is yet to be seen, but maybe his father's 'ghost' tells him? We also seem to have found out how Sun/baby get off the island but not Jin. We also found out (and I am over the moon for this one!!!) that SAWYER'S ALIVE AND ON THE ISLAND!!! WOOHOOO!! =)

New questions that came up from this episode:

Where the heck is Claire? Is that it, we're never to see her again?

What is this favor that Kate has to do for Sawyer? I'm thinking it's probably going to check up on his daughter, Clementine.

Who the heck buried Rousseau (and is that really her?) and Karl? Seems a little unlikely that the bad guys would've taken the time, don't you think? Maybe the Others? Where are all the remaining Others, by the by?

Interesting things/questions I picked up on other Lost discussion forums:

Someone pointed out that it was interesting that Jack saw his father because he went to switch off the smoke detector. Could his father be or be linked to Smokey?? Hmm.

There was a good few minutes where Juliet was alone with Jack, sewing him back up, maybe before he woke up. We don't TRULY know if she's good or bad yet...any chance she did something to him?

Oh, and I have to just give an award for excellence in this episode to...drumroll please....Rose! Rose rocked, as did Bernard! She is soooo right - the island is hurting Jack because he's so close to leaving it, right?

Finally, a great quote from thelostdiary.com episode commentary: "Is anyone NOT crazy this week?"

[ Last edited by studiojek at 5-3-2008 07:48 ]


Reply 3#3 waterlilybarb's post

Hi again! I read the Letter - I agree with a lot of it. Especially with the idea of not liking when sci-fi play with the finality of death, it being cheap. My creative writing teacher once told me that the Easy Way out of writing a story was to kill of your main character, because they become larger than life and so all you can really do with them is kill them off, anything else would seem banal. So, I feel the same way. I can't believe that Hurley's right and they're all dead.

I do however understand where you're coming from with your idea that Charlie and Christian are on some other 'time plane.' I don't believe that Hurley's crazy, well not completely anyway! An interesting theory I hope we will see played out.

As for the date of when this was all taking place, the newspaper Jack was reading in the beginning was talking about last year's (2007) Red Sox win, so that would mean (if I remember right and Aaron was born in 2002-3?) that Aaron's about 4 or 5, so 3 years have passed? Though I'm not 100% on that, I can't quite remember the whole timeline.

Oh, and (quite unfortunately) I agree that the writers may just leave the Rousseau storyline...did you notice that when Miles was uncovering their buried bodies, the 'scary Lost music' piped up when they showed Karl, not Rousseau? Like she was a secondary character but it was Karl we were supposed to really be shocked about. I wonder if the writers have underestimated our interest in Rousseau?


Reply 86#86 dognxtdoor's post

Ooh that's a very good hypothesis!

The sandwich theory's interesting too...


Reply 5#5 waterlilybarb's post

That makes sense, about Ben I mean. They could however have let her stay alive (just in case they had a storyline for her in the future) and just killed off Carl no?


Reply 7#7 gabsimom's post

True, hadn't thought of that! Good solution actually, and they could still do flashbacks/forwards if necessary.


Reply 2#2 waterlilybarb's post

I'm with you Barb, this episode was awesome as is LOST in general! And it is true in name and in fact: I am LOST indeed! LOL!

Wow. OMG. Amazing! Loved this episode, though I am like obsessively trying to piece together what it is I think happened during it LOL!

First and foremost, a little theorizing here: Locke and Ben, brothers? Father: Richard-the-Creepy? Or else half-brothers, both with Richard as a father but different mothers, both named Emily? Both Emilys were very sure of what their children HAD TO be named, Benjamin and John, under strict instructions apparently of someone.

And John picking the knife instead of the book of laws - I assume he was supposed to pick the book of laws from the way the camera was panning. And the pic that childhood John drew of Smokie! Now, these are all objects that, according to Richard, have *already* belonged to him - like, in a previous recarnation? Was he on the island first and then was reborn? HUH? Um, like the doc somehow being dead on the island before he was dead on the ship!

Ok, my head is spinning.

Next:  crreeeeeepy cabin scene with Christian and CREEPY WIGGED OUT CLAIRE! Hmm. And they have to move the island eh?  LOL at the chocolate bar scene between Hurley and Ben. "Destiny is a fickle bitch" - curse words just don't fit well with Ben!

Other notes:

Sort of a stretch in my opinion that the helicopter guy would toss out a bag full of stuff and Jack would weed through it so quickly (wouldn't you stop and look to see if anyting else was of interest!?) and get to the radar and AUTOMATICALLY think they have to follow them? Anyway, just something that kind of bugged me. This whole Keeley storyline is bugging me actually. 'Nuff with the violence, stick with the X-files type The Truth is Out There stories!

Also, on lostdiary someone mentioned the fact that the Dharma Initiative Purge happened 12 years ago, but Rousseau had been on the island for 16 years...somehow that seems odd/important. Someone also pointed out that Keeley and his groupies seem a little too well-armed and violent to have killed Rousseau and Carl with simple dart-gun-thingees...makes more sense that The Others might have hit them with stun-gun type things and then given up Alex to Keeley?

Ok. I've got more but I need to simmer on it =)


Reply 5#5 dognxtdoor's post

Hmm, your theory about moving the island is an interesting one, the only other thing I was comparing it to was how Jacob's cabin seems to keep 'moving', if there's some sort of telepathic thing going on.

As for Locke choosing the knife, we've heard many times in the past that Locke's not the 'hero' he thinks he is...maybe the knife doesn't belong to him because he's not the 'fighter' he aspires to be?


Reply 8#8 desertdarlene's post

That comment to Wildmore does make more sense if you look at it that way darlene...which would mean that Ben already knew what Jacob was going to say to John...And the plot thickens!!!

Barb, LOL about giving you another website! Generally the play-by-play of each episode is hysterical to read, and the comments are very thought-provoking...*just* what we need


Wow, what an intense, A+ of an episode!

The very best moments for me were when we saw The Numbers on Hurley's car and when Jack found out about Claire (some great acting in that scene, you got to admit!). I believe that very moment is the first beginning of the end for Jack: he will stop going to see the baby and his relationship with Kate will get crazy (later he and Kate will be ok and then he'll go crazy again but that's another can of worms!)...

So, I've been racking my brain about why they would have to lie about what happened on the island, and the best theory I can come up with is that Farraday finally fills everyone else in on all the time wandering that's been going on, and reveals that if anyone were to find out where the island is, the entire face of humanity would be changed. Your typical going back to the past talk - like how in the movie Back to the Future he couldn't change anything because he would alter his future.

I think that there's a chance Jin is still alive - that Sun is just this upset because, even if she knows he's alive, she will never get to see him again.

My last note (for now, disclaimer like yours Barb!) is regarding a comment I read on lostdiary.com. Do you remember Keamy had some sort of contraption on his arm last week's episode? It's very possibly attached to all that dynamite on the boat. Either he's going to get some answers from Ben, or the boat will explode (and everyone will be saved)??

Whew. Great episode!


p.s. I just had one of my TA-DAAA brain moments when I considered this: Kate didn't actually want to leave the island, I think she wanted to stay behind (with Sawyer) but was forced to because someone had to pretend to be Aaron's mother, since Sun was already pregnant (and the wrong race). Maybe that's why Jack was so upset in the last episode when Kate went to go do something for Sawyer.

Just one of those random crazy LOST thoughts that pop in and out...!


No it seems pretty improbable that the rest of the 2 seasons is based on the survival of 6 people - I think some of them have died and some of them are still alive somewhere back on the island, and that there is some reason why the Oceanic 6 have to keep the secret, to save the lives of the people still left on the island...still sticking to my Back to the Future-type theory!


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