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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I didn't seem to remember when Hurley said that he went with Locke, I thought he said he should have gone with Locke and that's how he ended up back home.  I'll go back and watch, I'm always wrong about these things.

I know that there's something healing about the island and when they left, they went back to their old problems.   If it were me with my current health problems and I was healed on that island, I would have a very hard time if I came back.  It seems like all the main characters had nothing to come back to,  so if any of them left, they shouldn't have.

I'm glad they showed Charlie, too.  It made it clear that he was really dead and not one of these characters that suddenly show up alive, later.

I wonder if the guy in the box is Locke, but it could also be Ben or Jacob.
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I just saw the 2/7/08 episode and I can't wait to see why the four  want Ben.  The photo they showed of him seem to indicate that he has been off the island very recently (it looks like he's in a terminal or office that is not on the island).  It makes me wonder who he really is and why they want him so badly.  

And, why is there a medium in the group of four new characters?
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I wondered, also, about that guy, too, but I have some bad feelings.  I wonder if he works for Oceanic Airlines, but I don't know.  He referred to the group as being on some kind of  "operation" like a military operation.  And, what's with the dig in Tunisia and the bear collar with the Dharma symbol on it?  So many questions that I hope are answered.
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I haven't seen the episode, yet, but I can't wait.
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The show started alright, but then the screen went haywire!  It had a big line in the middle and then started  "flipping" sideways.  I couldn't see anything!  It was on the station or network side, not my TV (which I have 2 that were doing the same thing).  But, I was able to hear everything and I did see, clearly,  the last 5 or 10 minutes.  I'm going to re-watch it on the computer because I know there's stuff that I missed.

I do wonder how Sayid and Ben ended up with the relationship that they did.  Everyone seems to have gone crazy since leaving the island.
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And, we have Ben, too, but I don't know if he qualifies as part of the 6 because I think he could always get off the island when he needed to.

Did anyone noticed the experiment with the rockets (payload) that Faraday did?  There seems to be some kind of time distortion going on there with the two clocks.  I kinda expected something like this.  I would like to know more about that experiment.  I know the island has a connection with a strong magnetic field and I also wonder about it being "out of phase" or something like that, too.  Maybe I'm just thinking too hard.  
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Reply 31#31 waterlilybarb's post

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking when I mentioned Ben.  It dawned on me that he wasn't on the plane, the same with Desmond and Aaron, too.  I wish they would move the storyline a little faster.
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The next episode looks very interesting.  I am beginning to really think that there's some kind of time distortion going on here.   Also, it looked to me that Aaron is a Down's syndrome baby, am I the only one who noticed that?  Perhaps something happened when they returned that changed him.  Maybe he aged too rapidly.  He seemed to be able to speak really well, but still looked like a baby.

Did anyone else noticed that Jack said there were only 8 survivors?  So, who were the other two?  I assume the story they told were that they died during or after the crash.  Maybe there really were only 8 survivors left by the time they left the island.  But, then, why would Ben be recruiting Sayid to "protect his friends"?

This was an awesome episode and the next one looks really good, too.
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King Bala, did you have something you wanted to mention?  
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Wow, I really enjoyed that episode.  I didn't think of Michael being Ben's agent on the boat, but I think it definitely makes sense!  

I hope it didn't confuse anyone who is not following closely.  On other sites, I've been hearing people say that they are so confused with that show before this season started.  I've never had a problem following the show, though.  

That was such a fun episode.  Next week, it's going to be Juliette's turn.
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I'm wondering if Ben has something like what Desmond has in terms of being able to see the future.  Juliette said something about it when she found Goodwin dead, she said:  "You knew this would happen!" and was mad that he could have stopped it, but didn't.

I think the likelihood that Michael is Ben's agent on the boat is good, especially when he told Locke to "sit down" when he was about to tell him who it was.   That meant that Locke had to know who he was going to mention.  Of course, they didn't reveal that to the audience.

The fact that Widmore may be the one financing the boat is interesting because when the big magnetic blow up (the blue beam that turned the sky purple) happened, Penny got some kind of strange call about it a couple of seasons back.
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So, they had a flashback and flash-forward in this episode, eh?  That was a nice trick, but I don't think it was a good idea.  Did anyone see the date on the headstone at the end?  I though I saw a 2004 and a 9, but I couldn't see the rest, I might go back and look.  Since, a couple of episodes back, Desmond saw the date as December 24,2004, that would mean his death happened in the next few days of the story.  Or, perhaps the 9 is for September.  Wouldn't that be the month they originally crashed?  

Perhaps I got the numbers wrong, I hope someone will enlighten me.
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I watched it again and was able to see the dates, close-up, on the head stone.  There were two rows on the right side.  One said "11-27-1974" which is probably his birth date.  The other said  "9-22-2004" which, I think, is the day the plane crashed.  Otherwise, I don't know why they'd pick that date.  I assume it's Jin that's supposed to be in that grave, too by the way she is talking.  

I think you're right about it being part of the big lie they are living.  It's entirely possible that Jin stayed on the island or is doing something else that's secretive.  

And, who are we supposed to trust, the Captain, or Michael?  Michael is working with Ben, who I still think is a very bad person and the Captain's story is very logical and convincing.  Now, I'm really wondering about Ben and how he staged the plane crash and why.  And, how did these new people know about him and about the temple?
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Well, the March 20th episode aired and I think a shootout is about to happen.  It's funny that each side blames the other for the fake plane crash.  I still think Ben is evil and don't believe his story, but could I be wrong?
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I agree, not the best episode.  I don't think Rouseau is really dead, either, but it faking it.   I noticed that they didn't show her bleeding like they did Carl.   And, I think Ben knows something when he said  to Alex that "you mother will see to [her protection]".  Either he can "see" into the future like Desmond could, or he knows who the shooters are and who they would want to kill.  I'd bet that the people who did the shooting are Ben's "people".
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I know that in the previews for next week, it seems that Jack's appendix has busted, so I'd bet that will be significant in getting him off the island.

I'm surprised that Sayid fell so easily for Ben's lie about who killed his wife.  I didn't see any writing on that photograph that Ben showed him that proves his story.  But, Sayid must have been feeling a lot of anger at that time.  I would guess that Ben managed to keep him working for him with other lies.

I thought the interaction between Ben and Widmore was interesting.  Widmore pretty much said he found the island first.  I am also convinced that Widmore is probably unusually old and may have been involved with the sailing of the Black Rock in the late 1800s and the reason why it is on the island in the first place.  Who knows, it's possible that the island keeps people from aging.  

OK, those are my crazy thoughts.  
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You know, I did see the Dharma emblem on Ben's coat, but I didn't think anything of it since everything on the island seems to have it.   I just thought he could have just taken it from somewhere.   I also didn't notice it was a heavy coat.  But, now that I think about it, it's kinda strange.   

Also, does anyone remember when food would show up around the island way back when?  That also had the Dharma label on it.  Ben was not a fan of Dharma, so I know he didn't provide it unless he also found that and I think it would be pretty old.  

Perhaps Widmore is related to the Hanso foundation like was said before.
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Originally posted by dognxtdoor at 4-29-2008 01:15 PM  
Remember that Walt has a strange ability that was only touched on a little...But could very well explain the polar bear, and that it got teleported to the desert by Ben in an effort to get rid of it.
That's an excellent theory as well.    I mean, the whole quote, not just that little part. I don't know why the whole quote wasn't quoted.  I think it's interesting the theory about Walt being able to "conjure" up things from images.

[ Last edited by desertdarlene at 4-29-2008 18:09 ]
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In regards to moving the island, that explains what Ben meant when he told Widmore that he would have a hard time finding the island.  I thought, huh, if Widmore's people were there first, then he should know where it is even if it's hidden.  So, that statement explained that a little more.

I also agree with what was said about John denying who he was.  I wondered what the hub-bub was about him choosing the knife and that statement pretty much explains it.
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I thought that was an awesome finale and it answered a lot of questions.  But, in true Lost style, it opened up a bunch more questions to look forward to be answered.

I have been playing the Trivia game on Facebook and have decided to try to watch the entire series over again.  Usually, I never do this; once I've been through it, it's enough for me.  But, I found one episode I think I missed way in the beginning.  It's interesting seeing the show when you already know a lot of the story, but the characters don't know, yet.

I hope they show us what is happening on the island after it got transported to wherever and whenever it is.  Locke said a lot of bad things happened after Jack left and it was Jack's fault.

That's an interesting thought about Charlotte being Annie.
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