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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Discuss Anything About Lost Season 4-6 Here

OK, it's on TV right now and I know people will want to chat about the new season right away.  For general discussion of season 4, this is the place to do it.  If you have specific things to chat about feel free to start a new thread, but try not to be repetitive (in thread topics).  As always...

Have Fun & Happy Viewing!

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-3-2015 14:21 ]
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1#1 waterlilybarb's post

OK, I just got to watch last night's episode.  Tough I wish it had been longer, it was GOOD!  Hurley was a surprise, and now we know of 3 of the people who got off the island.  I wonder who the other 3 are?  Also, I wonder what's gonna happen, since Hurley said he shouldn't have gone with Locke.   AND, was he hallucinating Jacob's cabin, or is it only visible some of the time?  Once again, we're left with more questions than answers.   Obviously, the Jack that visited Hurley in the hospital, is not the same man we met in the flash forward in the season finale...this is before that.  It's going to be fun trying to keep the timeline straight in my head.

What did the rest of you think?  I'm dying to know if others were satisfied, or if you feel the show has lost some momentum.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3#3 shinny's post

You raised most of the questions that I was left with too, Shinny.

I had a couple more, like why did Hurley lie about knowing Ana-Lucia?  Is Michael one of the Oceanic 6...and Hurley's trying to protect him?

Since we know it was Christian Hurley saw in the cabin, who's eye was it that Hurley saw...and how did Locke just happen to be there when Hurley was freaking out?  

Regarding who was in the coffin...I really don't think it was Hurley, unless he lost a massive amount of weight post-Island.  That box was of average size...and the obit said the person who died was survived by a teenage son.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 7#7 gaiusx's post

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE remember to label spoilers.  I know the thread title does, but that's for people who may be behind in the series or season.  If you're going to mention something about a FUTURE episode please label it.  Personally, I really don't like to know what's going to happen.  I like to find out when I watch the show.  If it's labeled, I can skip it and come back to it later...usually at the end of the season.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 11#11 gaiusx's post

Thank you.  Minor spoilers, like the ones in TV Guide are fine.  I'm just so gun shy after what happened at the end of last season...and grateful I didn't read that massive spoiler...that I avoid as much as possible.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 16#16 desertdarlene's post

Finally!  Someone to talk about the episode with.  

I have the same questions, especially about Ben.  He knew exactly who those people were, and why they were there.  One thing that was a bit confusing for a while, during the episode, was trying to figure out whether they were in a flashback or flashforward.  I sussed it, but with both options, it takes some concentration.

I'm still on the fence about Juliet.  I really can't tell if she indeed does want to get off the island or if she's just playing along with some plan of Ben's.

What about the guy who recruited the foursome?  He was the same guy in last week's flashforward who went to see Hurley.  I know he's supposed to be a new character this season, but I want to know what his agenda is.

Any other thoughts?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 19#19 shinny's post

Oh, there's definitely a cover up.  Remember how they were told that no one was looking for them because the world thinks they're dead.  The opening shots were the news reports of the crashed plane wreckage supposedly having been found.  The thing is, who is covering it up?  It surely has something to do with someone's interest in the Dharma Initiative, seeing, as you said, that Charlotte found the polar bear AND Dharma collar on the dig.

I wasn't worried that they were all dead, because the creators and producers have promised that they wouldn't cop out like that.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OH MY GOODNESS!  Tonight's episode was AWESOME!  I miss my old roommate...we used to watch it together.  Now, it's just me talking to the TV screen, yelling...NO, and I KNEW IT! LOL

Any theories as to why Sayid was so interested in Naomi's body?  

Since it hasn't aired on the site yet, I don't want to give too much away, but, man...that was good.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 23#23 desertdarlene's post

You'll love it Darlene.  It's getting really good.    

So glad the strike is over, because we'll get 13 episodes this season now.  I can't wait until next week to find out what happens next.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 25#25 gypsiegirl66's post

They already had 8 done before the strike, so they only have to write and film 5 more episodes for the rest of this season.  I don't think we'll have the repeat-free season we were supposed to have though.  I know they have said the production time is longer on this show than for most, one reason being that everything is shot on location, and much is outdoors, which leaves them at the mercy of the weather.  It also takes more time in post-production, making sure the continuity is right and, they have new music composed for every episode.  Thankfully we're only up to episode 3, so that gives them 5 or 6 weeks before a new one is due.  I'm sure they'll have a couple ready by then, at least.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 27#27 desertdarlene's post

What a drag!  I hate when things like that happen.

I definitely agree, it does seem like everyone who left the island has lost their mind.  I'll be interested to find out why.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 30#30 desertdarlene's post

If you're thinking too hard, then my brain is about to explode.   That experiment was fascinating, but it just added to my growing list of questions.  I don't know exactly what my theory is regarding the time distortion...whether they are living somewhere that times moves slower (which would explain Richard's appearance), or if the island is in a slightly different dimension..."out of phase".  Too many questions!

As for Ben, since he wasn't on the plane, I don't think he would be considered one of the "Oceanic 6".  It will be interesting to see who the other 2 are.  Since in Desmond's vision Claire and Aaron got off the island, I think she may be one of them, but am not sure if Aaron would count since he was born on the island and wasn't on the flight manifest.  Maybe only Aaron survives, and is who Kate is taking care of. brain is about to explode.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 37#37 silver1978's post

Another great, if confusing, episode.

I figured, when Kate started talking about her son, that it was Aaron. (see my #34 from last week)

I have no idea what is going on with regard to the story they're telling.  
Jack did say there were only 8 survivors, and said that Kate saved 6 lives.  I'm assuming Claire is either dead or still on the island, but more probably - dead.  
I think by the time we see Jack so upset (as in last season's finale) it is quite a while after they have returned, and he needs to go back.  I think that they must have left people behind...maybe because some of them chose to stay on the island.  

What was with Miles trying to extort Ben?  I thought the main idea was to bring him back to their boss.

How about Sun wanting to go back to Korea?  I know it's home, but her father is one scary man.  I wouldn't want to bring my child into a potentially dangerous situation, especially after the ordeal of surviving on this strange island for 3+ months.

And I was hoping to find out at least one other member of the Oceanic 6.  But they may be saving that reveal for a while.

It gets more confusing every week.  I bet the conspiracy theorists are LOVING it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 39#39 desertdarlene's post

You weren't the only one seeing things Darlene.  I thought Aaron looked like he had Down's syndrome at first too, but at closer inspection...not so much.  I haven't yet figured out how long they are supposed to be off the island, so it's hard to say how old Aaron is.

I'm curious about the other 2 survivors as well.  Jack said only 8 people survived the crash, and he said the Marshall died in the crash, so he's just a big old liar all around.

I was a little bummed, because I taped the show and watched it today.  The previews for next week's episode got cut off.   I hate when that happens, but am grateful I didn't miss any of the actual show.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 42#42 desertdarlene's post

He tried to put up the video of next week's promo but it didn't work.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


The Constant - Episode 4 x 5

WOW!  That's all I have to say.  What a GREAT episode!  I don't even know where to begin.

First, the confirmation and explanation of the time-travel Desmond has experienced is a really nice reward for all of us who have been so patient.  His phone reunion with Penny was lovely.  I got a little teary.

Then there was Charles Widmore...buying the BLACK ROCK journal at an auction.  The owner of the journal?  None other than Tovard HANSO.  Not sure how he's related, but must certainly be a relative of our old friend Alvar Hanso...founder of the Hanso Foundation, and major funder of The Dharma Initiative.  Cool!  Very nice tie in with the two characters.  

Now for some questions.  Who opened the sick bay door?  We know Ben has a spy on the boat, and I've read some speculations as to who it may be.  One theory, which actually makes sense to me, is that it's Michael.  Harold Perrineau has been listed in the main credits since the season started, yet we haven't seen him yet.  It seems quite plausible that he could be on that boat.  And knowing as we do, through the flashforwards in previous episodes, once people leave the island they seem inexplicably (for now at least) drawn back to it and/or Ben.

Another question I have...considering the closing shot on Faraday's, is he stuck in time?  If so, for how long has it been going on?  Should he have been wearing protection on his head while doing all those experiments with radiation?  The answer to that last question is rhetorical, since that's just common sense...yes he should.

I can't think of any others at the moment, but can't wait to hear what the rest of you think.  Absolutely my favourite episode this season, so far.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 48#48 gypsiegirl66's post

At least they're coming back with 5 more episodes for this season in the spring.  It could have been worse...we could have had to wait another year for any new episodes.

Reply #49 desertdarlene's post

I haven't found it hard to follow either, but I like the complexity of the show, and the style of it's story telling.  

Juliette's episode should be good, but my favourites so far in the series have been Desmond's & Locke's episodes.  Though each character is interesting, for some reason, I find the stories of these two the most fascinating to watch unfold.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 51#51 studiojek's post

1. The bracelet is obviously from the same person, but I don't think it's the same one.  Since the episode was entitled The Economist, I'm assuming R.G. is the economist who Naomi and Elsa both worked for.  Maybe Richard...our ageless man, is R.G.

4. I don't think Miles and Ben are working together, but Ben definitely has someone on the boat as a spy.  Why Miles wants specifically 3.2 million is still a mystery to me.

5. Matthew Abbadon is the name of the man you are referring to.  I think he already knows the truth about the island and the survivors and asked that to see if anyone would change their story.

6. It's possible, but the obit said the man who died was survived by a teenage son.  Sawyer has a young daughter , but no sons we're aware of, so I don't think it's him.  I think it might be Michael.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 55#55 SirAlain's post

I'm a little stumped.  Is Mr. Meade a character from another show?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 59#59 desertdarlene's post

I finally got to watch this episode and was a slightly underwhelmed.  Other than finding out Widmore is the boss and owner of the boat it didn't feel very satisfying, especially compared to last week's episode.  I'm assuming Widmore is "The Economist" that Sayid was trying to kill.  There were also more allusions to his ties with the Hanso Foundation, ie: the map Faraday had of the island.  It must have been from the Black Rock journal he purchased at the auction.

I don't think Ben can see into the future.  I think Juliette meant that Ben's entire reason for sending Goodwin out there was to get him killed.  He's proving to be even creepier than I already knew him to be.  Do you think he still has some kind of power over Juliette, or was she just warning Jack that getting close to her is dangerous?

Reply 58#58 SirAlain's post

As for Dr. Harper Stanhope, I don't think she has any powers.  I have a strong feeling that the people we see, who disappear as quickly as they appeared, are involved in time travel research.  From what we learned in "The Constant", time on the island is running at a different pace than everywhere else.  It's highly possible that the Others have been able to learn how to use this to their advantage.  Their appearances from seemingly nowhere can be explained by their being unstuck in time.  This could also explain the whispers in the jungle.  They could be residual voices from the time outside of the island catching up to island time.

OK, I guess this episode was more interesting than I originally thought.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

