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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 2#2 SirAlain's post

Tell me about it!  Sun totally ROCKED!  And without giving anything away to those who have yet to see it, my favourite line in this episode was Hurley's Mom saying, "Jesus Christ is not a weapon."   I've met people who'd beg to differ, but it was a nice light moment in an otherwise nail-biting hour.  

Two weeks is too long!  But as MY mother said, "I'd rather have it all at once", so I'll wait patiently (while reading all sorts of bizarre theories ) for May 29th to roll on.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


OK, I just rewatched the episode and man, there was a LOT going on!

Firstly, apart from what I commented on last night, here are a few things I found amusing:

Sawyer referring to New Otherton, calling Miles Ghengis, and calling Lapidus Shaggy.   Sawyer never fails to come through as the king of the one-liners.  He was also a more sympathetic character this week - seeing him carry Aaron, and the look on his face as he told Jack & Kate what happened to Claire, then handing him over to Kate.

Now onto the rest of the episode.  

As I said last night, Sun totally ROCKED!  I SO loved it when she walked into her father's office and just told it like it was.  It's apparent how much she despises her father, and I'm sorry to say this, but from her tone, I have a feeling that Jin might REALLY be dead.    I hope I'm wrong, but the swell of music at the end of the episode also seemed like a clue that that might have been the last time she saw her husband.
And if THAT'S the case, it would also mean Desmond is dead.    NO!!!!  Again, I really want to be wrong, because Desmond and Penny deserve a reunion after everything that her father's put them through.   Can I just reiterate how much I think Charles Widmore is an evil puppet master.

Other observations:

It seemed to me like the story told by the 6 survivors was not one of their own making.  Whether Oceanic concocted the story (which makes one wonder who is in control of that company (?)) or whether it was someone else, it just didn't sound like anything they would have dreamt up themselves.

I understand saying that Aaron was Kate's child, but that he was only just over 5 weeks old?  Come on now!  People have eyes!  That baby is over 3 months old - how they plausibly pass him off as basically newborn is beyond me.

I continue to find Faraday quite interesting and hope he is around next season.  That being said, if Desmond is dead, won't he lose his mind, since his "constant" would be gone?  This is what I'm clinging to - if Daniel doesn't die, then maybe Des doesn't either.  It's possible.

YAY!  The return of "The Others", especially Richard (aka guyliner - read that somewhere - too funny) in his really old Others clothes was not so much a surprise, but seeing as how they now have Kate & Sayid makes me curious as to where their allegiances lie.  Obviously our 2 Losties get off the island.  Is it with help from "The Others" or do they escape?

Then there was the return of the numbers!  I did NOT expect that.  To see Hugo's odometer with those exact numbers - IN ORDER - was a bit eerie.  I'm with the co-pilot at the beginning of the episode who said while rubbing his rabbit foot (which Hugo's key chain also happened to have), "...the cargo we got back there - bad mojo."

I do like when the writer's throw us a bone as to when things are happening.  Last night they did this at the memorial service for Christian.  Jack said he was writing down what he wanted to say in his father's eulogy 10 months ago.  So it's 6-7 months after their rescue.  Nothing amazing about this, I just like to know these little things.

Now, Claire's MUM being at the memorial, I wasn't expecting.  I actually didn't think she would survive and that if anyone told Jack about Claire, it would be her aunt.  Great look on Jack's face when he hears the news, and even better when he looks at Aaron, in Kate's arms, as he's digesting the fact that this child is his blood, and that he either left his sister behind, or let her die in that God forsaken place.

And finally - for now anyway - Nadia!  I was so pleased for Sayid.  When they initially landed and neither he nor Kate had anyone waiting for them, I found it sad.  At least Hurley grabbed Sayid to introduce him to his family, but Kate was left entirely on her own with Aaron.  I wonder was this to signify that he would be her family now?  We know that sometime later her mother comes around and forgives her, but that's still a ways off.  But when Nadia showed up for Sayid it was a great moment - though bittersweet, since we know what happens in the not to distant future.  

That's all I have for now, as I'm still digesting everything that we know so far.  It's amazing how one little show can suck you in, even while it continues to frustrate you on a regular basis.  Two weeks seems too far away, but seeing as we won't have any more episodes until next year, I'm going to savour every moment of the 2 hour finale, and hopefully it will be satisfying enough to leave me wanting more.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 6#6 silver1978's post

I know what you mean.  I don't often rewatch the whole episode, but I did with this one, and it was well worth it.  I picked up a few things I had missed in the first viewing.

As for Aaron, I agree.  I think he's going to be a key character when all is said and done.  I'll be interested to see how that plays out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 9#9 gabsimom's post

I'm assuming the story Sun was given is to say she was pregnant before she left Korea.  Only she and her husband, along with her doctor, knew that Jin was sterile, so no one else would question it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 12#12 studiojek's post

Interesting thought about Kate.  Seeing as she was wanted for murder, I too doubt she really wanted to leave.  As for the devices on Keamy's men, I think they are probably detonators as well.  I didn't initially think that, but with all that C4, it makes more sense than my previous thought - that they had something to do with keeping them sane on the island - though that ship may have sailed on Keamy ...or that they had to do with the Orchid station and keeping them in the current time or tracking them through the time shift about to happen.

I haven't slept much so forgive me for sounding like I'm rambling - I am.

As for the time travelling - who's to say they don't wind up in the future?  If that's the case, it could be a ways into the future - far enough in time that Aaron will be drawn to go to it, and be their rescuer, as the new chosen one.  Just a thought.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 14#14 SirAlain's post

We don't actually know if Claire is dead.  On that island it seems anything is possible, so I wouldn't say one way or another with any confidence.

I definitely do NOT believe that only the 6 survive, and neither do most of the fans I've come across online and in life.

There are still 2 more seasons of at least 16 episodes each, plus the 2 hour finale of this season.  I think they (the writer's) have a plan as to how the show will end, and have allowed enough time to carry the story arc to a completion that will be satisfying to most.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 118#118 SirAlain's post

Yes, you're right.  That room was in the hatch, and it's long gone.

Reply 119#119 studiojek's post

The Orchid was mentioned at ComicCon last summer, and there was a video they showed there which showed one of the experiments being done there.  We've not seen it on the show yet.

As for Juliet - I agree 100%.  She was totally lying.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 121#121 studiojek's post

Comic-Con the big convention held yearly for comics and popular arts - including our favourite shows.   HERE'S the wiki for a full definition.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 139#139 studiojek's post

Isn't that the best kind?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Lost Season Finale Discussion Thread

I know everyone will want to discuss the finale.  Have a ball.  I'm watching it at the moment, and it's a doozy!  Can't wait to see what happens.

Catch you all tomorrow.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1#1 waterlilybarb's post

All I'll say is OMGoodness!  Awesome finale - now the torture of waiting until next season.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 9#9 gabsimom's post

I haven't time to do my full weekly recap/analysis right now, but I think the people on the small boat, Faraday et al, have been sucked into the same time/space as the island.  Since the other smaller island was no where to be seen, and they were nearer that it to our island, that's what makes the most sense to me.  Plus, they would have been visible from the copter if they were still there.

As for Jin & Michael, I think it's more likely the other way around.  I think Christian showing up with Michael on the freighter was telling him he was done, in that he had redeemed himself and the island would now let him die.  Jin on the other hand could have jumped off he ship, or if he did die he may have been near enough to be sucked to wherever/whenever the island went and could be "resurrected" on the island.  Just a thought.  As Tina said, don't count them out until you've seen the body...and maybe not even then.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 11#11 studiojek's post

I was cheering when Penny & Desmond got together.  Almost on my feet applauding in my living room.  They definitely have the best love story on the show.

Some of your questions I've seen too, and was wondering about as well.  The main ones being:
- just who is Charlotte?
- will Des' vision of Claire come true? - it was of Claire AND Aaron getting on a helicopter, but he never said how old Aaron was
- why does Ben look younger and better looking after being off the island for several years?
- how will Walt fit into the story?
- I noticed the cut on Ben's arm too and the same parka - which he was wearing in October, 2005 in Tunisia.  Does that mean the island is in 2005 (at the later date) - same place different time - or is that just where/when Ben was transported to?

So many questions, and only about 8-10 months to mull them over and drive myself completely insane.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 15#15 studiojek's post

I've read some interesting theories about who Charlotte might be.  I don't think she's Annie though, because Ben would have recognized her.  Knowing as we do that some people are shifting through time, she could be the child of someone that we know, but it obviously hasn't been revealed yet.

As for the writers, I honestly don't think they had the fates of each character planned from the beginning, because originally Jack was supposed to die in the pilot.  I think some of it happens organically from how the story is unfolding and some is preplanned, but maybe not to the letter.  Like, they knew that some would die, but exactly how and when wasn't predetermined.  I know Dominic Monaghan has said that when he knew Charlie was being killed, he did have a bit of say in it.  He didn't want it to be one of the pointless deaths, and the writers and producers could see that THAT would have not done the character justice, nor would have been fair to the fans.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 17#17 bala's post

I did - there were actually 2 alternate endings, just in case they had a leak, like last year.  I like the ending we got.  

The other thing that was revealed in the enhanced version, shown as a repeat, was that the 3 people who died after the crash (seeing as they said there were 8 survivors, and Aaron wasn't born yet) were Charlie, Libby and Boone.

My only question is - the obit said that Jeremy Bentham was survived by a teen-aged son.  I wonder who that will be?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 19#19 bala's post

It's still a complicated story that usually leaves you with more questions than answers, but I thought this season was great.  My 2 favourite episodes (not counting the finale - which was AWESOME) were The Economist and The Constant.  The first was centred around Locke, and the second around Desmond - The Constant was my very favourite episode this season.

If you don't mind a show that makes you think, you'll really like this season.  It doesn't start again until January or February, so there's plenty of time to watch it before next season begins.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 21#21 bala's post

The fact that no one is off limits in regards to being killed off is something I find intriguing.  Most shows would never kill a character everyone loved - like Charlie.  Lost always keeps you guessing, and you never know what's going to happen.  There is so much happening that it's sometimes hard to figure out, but at the same time, as sddv says, it's as addictive as crack.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 24#24 studiojek's post

Yeah, Michael Keaton was supposed to play Jack, but when they decided he wasn't going to die they had to recast the role.  The role of Kate was supposed to be very different as well, and she was going to be the main leader - also older.  Interesting how much the actors impressed them that they changed the roles to fit the actors.  I watched season 1 on DVD after it 1st aired, though I watched it all on TV - and it was in the extras.

And yes, the new season doesn't begin until next year.  Two more seasons of 17 episodes apiece is what we have for them to complete the story.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 26#26 bala's post

They have an ending in sight.  It will end in May/June of 2010.

Reply 27#27 studiojek's post

You're right about Ben's role too.  Michael Emerson is amazingly creepy as Ben!  Had someone else got the role I don't think he would have played as big a part in the overall story.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 29#29 SirAlain's post

I didn't quite cry, but I did tear up.  It was my favourite moment in the finale.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

