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Lost Season 4-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Wow so who is that other guy again?
What was the translation of what Richard said in response to the shadow of the statue?


So we lost just about everyone, so Flocke doesn't need them to leave he just needs them to die. very curios how Desmond fits in, but he seems to be enlightened perhaps he is morphing into the new Jacob.


The big finish will be on Sunday not next week! I am still a little Lost. what is the deal with all the Eygptian stuff and the temple?


ok I found an explainatiom of the finale that I can accept and feel better about.

"On the other hand, Nikki Stafford "absolutely loved" the finale.

The author of "Finding Lost," book-length guides to each season of the series, Stafford argues that the plane really crashed on the island, the castaways survived, and went on to have all the experiences viewers saw there.

But in her view, the sideways world is their purgatory. And since "there is no 'now' here," in the words of Jack's father at the church, all those gathered there had died, at one time or another, after living their own respective lives.

"They reconverged for Jack's sake," Stafford said, "and this purgatory was an afterlife scenario, shown through Jack's lens."

Stafford, who currently is writing her Season 6 "Finding Lost" volume for October publication, then acknowledged, "Other people are going to see it differently, I'm sure."



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